
No argument there.  It is almost poetic justice that Jess and Rory never quite make it work as a couple.

Preach it!  "Dear Emily and Richard" is a darn fine episode from a Season 3 filled with excellent ones.  I can't second liking the understated quality of the flashbacks strongly enough.  They were brilliantly conceived and executed to convey some key moments in Gilmore history.  Downplaying major drama into more

Dean - "I'd like to place an order."

What exactly is the definition of a Danes Anomaly?  I've seen that term thrown around on these boards before but have never been able to figure out what it means.

FACT: Jess is 100% intolerable…

Upon first viewing of this episode, was anyone else out there convinced that Rory and Jess would be sleeping together within the next week or two?  I remember thinking, "Yep, this is it."

But Jess isn't trustworthy and Rory knows it.  Why would she trust a guy who she knows gained her affections through an extended campaign of subterfuge?  She is just applying good solid common sense.

Yes, please do lend Sims a different template to work off of for these reviews.  He's getting tedious to read.  Though I have to admit I'm curious to see exactly where/if Sims ever starts showing real enthusiasm for the Gilmore Girls.  A while back someone on these boards floated the theory that perhaps Sims

Really?  Back in high school I knew a couple of girls who were just like Francie - petty, controlling, manipulative, and even threatening in order to get their way and seem important in their own eyes.

Yep, the show never really figured out how to make the machinations of Rory's school life compelling.  It fizzled with the Puffs episode, it fizzled with much of the Chilton student government material, and later it fizzled with the Yale Daily News editor arc.

But at least Lane was still Lane by the end of the series; whereas Zack had been turned into a completely different character.  Compare Zack is season 3 to Zack in season 7 - they may have the same name and be played by the same actor but they aren't the same person.

Darn straight, Dave was a marvelous match for Lane.  Too bad it couldn't last.

Did anyone else notice that the actor who plays Sookie's old friend Joe also played the waiter at the expensive french restaurant Jackson and Sookie (and Lorelai and Rune) go to on their first date back in season 1?

Richard handles Trix in the perfect manner - with confident amusement.  It isn't his fault Emily takes all those years to stand up for herself.  As we see, Trix changes her tune immediately after Emily finally does.

Another interesting description of Digger considering he is almost literally the male Lorelai - same family background and relationship with parents, same personality quirks, same neurosis, same flakiness, same penchant for rapid fire verbal jousting, etc. etc.

Chris Eigeman rocks.  Have you seen him in "Metropolitan" or "The Last Days of Disco"?

jarira - ASP tanking Season 6 was a common rumor among fans at the time.  It's possible, but then again the last episode of Season 6 was also one of the very best ASP ever made.  So who really knows!

An interesting description of Digger considering he is almost literally the male Lorelai - same family background and relationship with parents, same personality quirks, same neurosis, same flakiness, same penchant for rapid fire verbal jousting, etc. etc.

Digger wasn't much liked by the show's fans during the initial run of Season 4.  He was one of the reasons why the ratings crumbled during that time.

thereigninglorelai - Yes, Logan even calls Rory out on her status after she writes that pissy article about the guests at Logan's launch party.  "Like it or not, you are one of us!  You went to prep school.  You're going to Yale.  You're not paying rent, either."  (I quote from memory.)