
I think that one was floating around alt.tv.farscape back in the day. Seemed more like wishful thinking, though.

Did we ever get any sense, from producer interviews or the comics or anything, exactly what Wrinkles's arc was going to be? She was an interesting character but, as someone said below, really needed that 5th season to matter.

Yes! I agree completely. Those other two are pretty dumb, but Prefect is dumb AND boring, which makes it the worst.

You don't know how happy I am that the number 1 comment on this is a jellybeans comment. :)

Huh. This looks like a forum I should join.

You can safely skip B7. I loved the beginning and I loved the ending but not much in between works. It's cheap, it's slow, it's often frustrating, and it's usually boring. The show hasn't aged well.

What ideas, in particular, are you talking about? It sounds intriguing. I never played this game but liked the parts of the series that I'd played. The virtues system was really interesting.

Yeah, JAWS gets a lot of crap for being a terrible game but IMO it's undeserved. It's not fantastic or anything; after all, you have to harpoon about 4,000 jellyfish and several dozen of JAWS's sons and daughters before going after the big guy himself, but it's not unpleasant. The plane breaks up some of the

I agree. Without spoiling anything, Chrichton Kicks was an episode that I was ho-hum about at first but really grew on me in the intervening years. It's nice to see Chrichton being legitimately heroic again… that scene with Pilot always gets me.

> We’ll be pausing our coverage of Farscape at the end of the third season. We had really hoped to do both seasons three and four this year, but the readership unfortunately hasn’t been there for us to continue at this time.

Rest in peace, Rockfish!

Forgive me if you mentioned this before and I missed it, but how are they?

No worries. And btw, since I see you're down here: good reviews! There seems to be a growing tendency for the TV reviewers here to just give plot points and say whether they liked the episode or not; I appreciate that you spend little time on those things and get deeper into the show's themes, character motivations,

that was the joke :(

I'm surprised you dislike "Meltdown" so much.

I think you should be asking "Great idea or Greatest idea?"

This stretch of episodes, culminating in the big arc eps later, is one of my favorite parts of the entire series. It took a lot of audacity from the showrunners to a) "twin" Crichton and b) split the crew, but they pull it off with panache.

It's too bad Talyn got chainsawed a decade ago. He would've been right at home posting mashups to Youtube.

I can only hope that my child will be known as bonghits4U

Britta is the opposite of Britta-ing it.