
She also opened her set saying something like, "Never forget that Brock Turner is a rapist!"

Absolutely. See, for example, Alec Baldwin.

The only thing I really liked about this movie was when Jock snuck pills into Mordecai's jellybeans NEVER FORGET.

Carrie Coon? More like Carrie Swoon

Oh jesus, you're right. It's so nice to have forgotten that pan-and-scan was a thing. Even at the dawn of mass DVD acceptance movies were still released with that shit.

My thought after seeing the first one was that it was Hunger Games for the slower readers

I love that you know this MBS!

They indulge the pop side a bit more in EP, too. I really enjoyed Here Comes the Summer, Evergreen, etc…

I sometimes wonder about the alternate reality version of the Fiery Furnaces that didn't release Rehearsing My Choir right after Blueberry Boat. They had a whole lot of positive buzz after Boat (which is ten years old now, btw) that got completely trashed by Choir. And I can understand that. I loved FF but made it

There's a dang copycat dropping these on the streets of midtown Manhattan these days. And they're of such poor quality that they're barely lasting a few months.

Whoa, Phillipe from Achewood has a walrus. This I gotta see.

Uh, magic… it was monotheism… there was a writers' strike

Note: wacky family died on its way back to their home planet :(

I don't think it's at all farfetched. You don't need to be DH Lawrence to see a "girl turns into a woman" theme here—it's barely subtext, it's practically text.

DRC, if you don't mind my asking… I just finished the first series of Utopia. Should I watch the second or am I just going to be mad at the end of it (either because it's no good or it didn't get to finish properly)?


Or, "dammit AVClub, start paying people better!"

The bigger problem with that storyline is Lemon not just taking a dang cab in the previous ep.

Aw, it's sad to see this end. I always enjoyed reading your reviews, Rowan.