
Tony died on his way back to his home planet.


I'll never watch it, so wha' happened?

And if there's anyone who understands masculinity, it's AV Club writers.

I liked this essay, but I feel it's a little off-point.

It had to have also been a response to Crazy Frog (and if you don't remember that, consider yourself lucky).

Harriet is gone too?? Jesus Christ.

Guernica?!  Put down your paintbrush, pick up a gun!

Pigeon English?  There must be a lot of cooing.

Ah crud.  I didn't even notice the username there.  That would actually be in-character then, wouldn't it?

In a 5-4 decision, Scalia fucked us again.  Chalk up another legal victory for Big Fart Gun.

Why, he truly is the AV Club's successor to Nabin!

The refuge of any internet knave.  In four small letters one proclaims one's joyful ignorance; "I am not content merely to pass by someone's labor without giving it any consideration, no, I am proud in my sloth, happy that I cannot parse pieces longer than a small paragraph, because I am a dullard."

That boy ain't right.

It takes a hell of an actor to deliver a line like that and make it stick.

Unless the words "difficult difficult, lemon difficult" came out of Gandolfini's mouth I'm going to have to disagree.  :)

He didn't really have too large a part there, did he?  I'd be surprised if he was on screen more than 20 minutes.

It's interesting the twists and turns "hipster" has taken over the last 5-7 years.  Back then, to be a hipster you had to be too cynical about everything, mopey or nihilistic.

I agree with you.   The Maldis episodes were surprisingly fun (this one more than the first), even though they're the sort of "alien of the week" eps that we'll see fewer and fewer of this season and next.

What is the deal with monsters?!