
/riddles @avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus's fleeing body with arrows

Well I'm 33 and you just blew my mind.

Well, the concept is sort of lifted from Alfred Bester's The Demolished Man, not 100%, but maybe 80.  But there, the book ends just as the punishment is inflicted, so we don't know the consequences on their society.

And I still remember the question we missed.

I'm curious about that myself.  I've been on teams like that, and they can go one of two ways: either it goes up in flames VERY quickly, or it can be extraordinarily productive as the nicer guy smoothes some of the edges off the assholes, who hold their tongues as a "keep it together for Ringo" sort of thing.

I know Campbell (wisely) doesn't want to talk about it.  So far as I know, what happened never came out.  But maybe one of the more dedicated fans around here knows?

There was some interesting director commentary about The Phantom Menace (hear me out!) that talks about this kind of issue.  Near the end of the film they have three separate storylines going simultaneously that they keep cutting between.

The more that I think about it, the more I think you're right.  Somebody should write an article.

Nah, the worst "seriously, they're really going there?" minor racism is the whole loophole conversation between Lucille and the Chinese gang.  Way too dumb for this show.

Did they bring back John Henderson?  If not I'm not interested.

That's really not the case, @avclub-8b14f79688c0146367914b8240be4128:disqus .  This isn't some kind of backlash where the hipper-than-thous wanted to be first off the bandwagon.  Some of the problems that killed season 3 for me:

Well, if that ushers in a return to S1/2 quality, that's excellent.  S3, ugh.

The Mamets seem a rather odious clan.  If you listen to what Pops Mammy says lately, it's… ugly.

Holy shit, @avclub-6d0cbc987f0ee695ca4e8d07ecde8d7a:disqus , that would explain the Dan Harmon cameo: this is the darkest timeline!

"THOSE ARE BALLS" is one of my favorite line readings in the entire series.

But can we keep Britta somehow?

Take a look at banner, Marco!

Between that and the avatar of psychic friendly space birds, I will do just that, @avclub-0c3e626d1a287cdc48c77515c8dcc243:disqus

You could've stopped after word four.

I'm trying to open up a third way, "It wasn't as good as you thought, even back then"