
Heart?  Eh, I dunno about that, but I never really needed heart in my comedy anyway.  I'd much rather sitcoms aim for the Seinfeld end of the spectrum rather than, say, The Cosby Show.

Yeah, and it's weird because it would've been really easy to close the plot hole—Crais is in the cell and then Pilot pops up on the clamshell and says that he used hidden Peacekeeper control codes (or whatever) to get out.

You're allowed to be obnoxious (in a movie) so long as you are a person of action. James Bond can be a douche, but he saves England every few years so we'll let a lot slide.

I sort of agree with you, @avclub-d324a0cc02881779dcda44a675fdcaaa:disqus , but the counterargument is "If Hitler was actually a good painter, even of something neutral like landscapes, could you enjoy his paintings?"

One thing that bothered me from when I first saw the finale, however many years ago, and it still bothers me now, is WHY CRAIS ISN'T IN A CELL.  There's no reason for him to be there at the "last supper" and there's certainly no good reason to give him free reign on the ship while shit's going down.  Our Moyans aren't

At the time, Farscape World had decent reviews and was a nice screenshot depository (although it might've only started in Season 2 or 3).

Jooey Jork-Jomp.

That kind of joke would kill on reddit!

Whoa!  Tyrion owned a train station!

But, strangely enough "compassion" IS in Scorpy's vocabulary, as we hear at the end of Bone.  Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Thanks for reviewing this!  It's given me a good reason to follow along with a rewatch at a reasonable pace.

Was it the Time Cube guy?  Please tell me it was Time Cube Guy.

To Wendy's!

The TBS version of that line almost made it even better.  Unlike Lebowski, say, where you find a stranger in the Alps, here they didn't even try.

I don't hate Stark, but I agree with you.  He's good here, but when he (SPOILERS) comes back later his character is half-baked and floundering.  Kind of seemed like the producers liked the actor enough to keep him around, but not enough to give him interesting things to do.

Tell me more about the hate, @avclub-9faa8bdc4a84b8217726cb1bfb903baf:disqus

I think the issue might be this:

I would not accept if nominated and would not serve if appointed.  Hard as it may be to believe by those whose entire lives are enveloped by snark, I was trying to be helpful in correcting what was, as written, a confusing sentence.

Typo alert!

Yes… Thank you for giving early season 1 some props.  I haven't watched a single ep from 4, and by the end of 3 grew to hate the show, but I thought the pilot was one of the best I'd seen.  It also teased at some themes (buddhism, eternal recurrence) that didn't actually get much play as time went on, but make no