
I'd still say the Dwali scene, where he proposes to his realtor, is worse on the cringe.  I had to fast forward through it!

He'd be sent beyond the wall and forced to wear a sign: "I HATE WILDLINGS"

See, I don't know how to read this simile because I thought Archer really want downhill over the last two seasons too.

Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation

oooh.  That would either be a legendary film or a complete travesty.  Make this happen Hollywood!

Wait, are these bundles any good?  I'm always suspicious when I see three good movies for like ten bucks.  I figure they're pan-and-scan or have mandatory greek subtitles or something

Yep.  It's like a lot of old TV—even if it was good for its time, times have changed a lot.  And comedy is even worse with this.  I see Cheers and Police Squad holding up, but not a lot else from the early 80s.

Grand Theft Studebaker!

Everybody loves abs, @avclub-774c4a3e756c4d8f28b15a27ed4408c7:disqus !

When will THEN be NOW?

She sounds like a saint.

Somebody was saying that it was a great show.

It's a tough album.  I like Youth Without Youth, Speed the Collapse, Breathing Underwater, and the titular track quite a bit.  There's nothing really offensive about the rest, but taken as a whole the thing doesn't have a lot of staying power.

It's an easy "skip" whenever I listen to the album.

YYY are staying true to their roots!  They've always had terrible album covers.

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus : Pretty sure it's mentioned that Betty's is a storied Main Line family.  That's where the old money from Philly lives.

You get the sense that Pete isn't even cheating because he wants the romance, the sense of adventure, or even the orgasm; he cheats because he sees other men doing it and he feels like less of a man himself if he isn't.

Yep, it starts to get better again at Crackers Don't Matter.

Excellent!  This is one show that I remain an evangelist for.  I hope it doesn't let you down.