
Well, we've got one last terrible episode coming up to burn through (though I don't think it's as bad as its reputation) before Farscape starts ramping up into the season finale.  If you're new to the show and are wavering, wait until the end.  If you don't like it by the end of season 1 I don't blame you for leaving.

The cats… are they cute?  Is it BYOC, or are the cats provided?  Please flesh this idea out Card.

I was talking to my brother a few weeks ago, who lives in that fine city, encouraging him to travel more.  His response?

Keep trying to improve, K. Thrace!  You'll get there with your great mead.

Come on.  Everything Mitch Hurwitz has done since has been awesome, right?

I know a girl in Jersey City whose favorite "guilty pleasure" movie is Quick Change.

From the web ads I thought it was called Goon at first.  Another british remake

There's a certain sort of tragedy to Chumbawamba.

Welcome to DamBaDa, the Farscape planet that's both pulpy AND campy!

I also think it's one of those shows like Babylon 5, where at the time it was amazing and revolutionary, but since then the flaws in the writing and its rock-bottom budget became apparent.  I wish I could like it more.

Blake's 7 is one of those shows that I like much more in theory than while actually watching it.

That Maldis episode really did feel like a left-over TNG script, didn't it?  It wasn't a bad episode really, but it definitely had a sort of "Moriarty took over the holodeck!" sense to it.  It was interesting to see that side of Zhaan, though of course we get much more of that right next week, but the episode doesn't

Kennywood was too far west for me to ever get to, but Hersheypark was a lot of fun.  And the smell can be intoxicating!

I have a very soft spot in my heart for Knoebels.  It's family run, I think, and I've never had the feeling that they were just out to empty my wallet like I get from other parks.

I know I'm in the minority, but I actually didn't enjoy "Future" too much.  "Throne," on the other hand—and, geez, after fourteen years I just got that pun—I loved.  Action, character development, and it becomes an important episode later on that will help show just how much stronger Moya's crew has become.

Surely drell, and fren, and mivonks all have obvious English equivalents, and we hear everything from Crichton's perspective, so why not those words?

I want to "like" your post, but I feel like I'd be encouraging cancer.

There was an episode of a police cartoon—I can't remember what it was called, maybe COPS or something—where the police team up with the gangsters to stop drugs.  Seems the don's cousin fell into a crate of LSD!  Shit got real!

Well, the B5 sets looked shoddy at the time and practically public access now, so that hasn't helped either.

Can't wait for her next song, "Stop Talking About Community [Baby]"