
But I spent 15 years prior to that not seeing Godzilla on the big screen. I feel like that was a sufficient time to build up the impact of his appearance. I didn't go to the movie to continue not seeing him.

Legos. Legos, legos, legos. Leeeeegooooooos.

"Look. Look with your elvish eyes."

Alex Karras in Webster?

That Dorito at the bottom of the picture? That one with all the extra seasoning on it? I want that Dorito so bad right now. It's all I can think about.

Professor V.J. Cornucopia's Fantastic Foodmagorium and Great American Steakery?

Most kids today are going to be married two, maybe three times.  But prom only happens once.  Unless you get asked by an upperclassman.  Or you get held back.  Or you count junior prom.

"Don't make fun of grad students.  They just made a terrible life choice."

Can't talk.  Robbed.  Go hell.

Dr Dastardly, it was nice of you to let your girlfriend date.  My wife was totally uncool when I asked her if I could go out with this 19-year-old swimsuit model I met online.

Celebrity Jeopardy.  It's a competition and it takes place in reality.


My wife and I started dating in early 1996.  As a native Texan, she was a big country music fan.  We used to play her CDs while we spent time together in her dorm room, so I strongly associate that early part of our relationship with Mindy, Faith and Shania.  This news does not make me feel young.

This thread has thrown my entire life into doubt.  Everything I know is wrong.

"You know how some people are chocoholics? Well, I’m an ALcoholic."

Does Field of Dreams qualify as a baseball movie?

That sounds more like a liminal mind trick.

That is the single greatest video ever created by humans. Or possibly ogres.

Will he be an evil melon farmer?

Well, the book I listened to was about a Gypsy werewolf and his rich vampire friend, and it takes place in a Pennsylvania town called Hemlock Grove with an abandoned steel mill,  and they're investigating the murder of a girl.  If it's not an adaptation, I'd say somebody has a lawsuit pending.