clearly not a scientologist

You'l have to pay $3.2 million to find out.

He's really a lot of fun to wrestle. He likes to come of to all the new guys in the Sea Org and wrestle them all in the special wrestling room he has set up.

He's the second-best human being ever to walk the Earth (after LRH, of course)! Just because he recognizes that fact, you choose to judge him? Suppressive! You're suppressive!

Everyone tried to steal Hubbard's genius.

How dare you! Xenu killed trillions! He's worse than a million Hitlers.!

He could be a success at anything he chose to do. He's just the best ever.

They should bug you, because they're under the influence of bad Thetans and can't be trusted.

No, they're wonderful people.

Look, I was just trying to help you out. You didn't have to leave me the one star.

Exactly. Those squirrels, can't trust them.

You must be under the influence of bad Thetans.

No, it's just a camp. People love it there. Shelly Miscavige fingerpaints.

Exactly! Scientology is fine.

Everyone who wrote those book was a suppressive person in league with an evil cabal of psychiatrists.

Leah Remini is a drug addicted, abusive, mentally ill person of low moral character who is not to be believed or listened to. And she'll never let it get out, but she's an apostate, a liar, a cheater, a woman whose current marriage began with her falling in love with the married man who is now her husband, and a

Any news on Edgar winter or Beck?

I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a big fan of Tom Cruise.

Jake Johnson is 5'10", though. Given that Tom is 6'5", how will they keep them in frame together?

Yes, because he's so attracted to them he worries he can't limit himself to just one.

Calling it now: Number One film of the year, Best Picture Winner at the Oscars, a well-earned Best Actor for Tom. This may be Hollywood's crowning achievement.