
The Flip Wilson Show had "reached its peak" by the end of the 60's? Weird, since it didn't premiere until 1970. The Bill Cosby Show is pretty great, though. Too bad that it'll never be seen again, because…you know…

Well, the Friends of the Parks want the parking lot to someday become a, you know, PARK, in keeping with the covenant to keep the lakefront open to the public and free from private use. They're opposed to a city with financial problems borrowing a billion dollars to build a shit-ugly museum devoted to ego of some rich

Eagle Rock is "tony"? Man, the neighborhood really must have changed since my days at Occidental.

I have never hated an episode of television as much as I hated the "Kick the Can" episode of Togetherness. I can't even pretend like I'm going to give this show room to improve anymore. The cliches and improv-class bumbling and phony epiphanies are just too thick.

Really, the Bill Cosby Show was much more interesting than the Cosby Show (also, funkiest theme song ever). It's like people forget that Cosby did anything before the 80's.

Jesus Christ, this is a terrible show.

You aren't the only one. It's trite, tediously tasteful, warmed over bullshit. The glowing reviews are mystifying.

Yeah, it was the two-hour (with commercials) movie about a spree shooter. I'm also pretty sure it aired on Sundance because I saw it advertised during an episode of The Honourable Woman and decided to TiVo it. (The TiVo capsule description had it as a documentary about Africa, I think.)

Actually, I think Sundance aired the pilot a few weeks ago. Or what was it that I watched?

I used to take this song at face value—be thankful for what you got—but now I think that the message is really subverted by the ecstatic description of the fly Caddie. You may not have this car, but you should be thankful anyway. BUT, DAMN, THE CAR IS DOPE.

I hate to be the "old guy," but Alison Williams' speaking voice acts like an ice pick in my brain. Whiny, nasally, lazy. Diphthongs, Ms. Williams, diphthongs! Ow, my head!

Man, am I going crazy? This was one of the weakest, laziest episodes of the show ever.

Well, to be fair, many of the performances are fantastic. Hoskins, for example.

"Complete" = the 36 plays from the First Folio + Pericles. The major plays are available on Region 1 dvds, and as OdinsThirdRavenPhil says, the complete cycle is available as a Region 2 boxset. Reviews are mixed, but I've enjoyed every one I've seen. Straightforward and unfussy, which can be refreshing after one too

When I think of Hoskins I don't imagine him in THE LONG GOOD FRIDAY or
PENNIES FROM HEAVEN, as good as he was in those. I see him as Iago from the
complete Shakespeare cycle that the BBC did in the 70's and 80's. Hard to imagine Hoskins in a role that's usually played with whispering epicene suavity, right? Hoskins'

Truly terrible episode. Let me add this: The show indicates that Shaw
tortured the Mexican kidnapper guy by pulling out his piercings…by
showing the bloody piercings and pliers on the dashboard of the Shaw's
car. Hmm, so Shaw actually carried the pliers and piercings out to the car after she did the dirty deed. I see.

Is the show edited to fit into a one-hour block on BBCA?

Blackberry gin fizzes: regular sugar or superfine bar sugar?

I think I might like Marc Maron better if he didn't affect the look of a
ride operator at a theme park for Vietnam vets. Hmmm…no, he would
probably still be pretty unbearable.

Another theory then: Young American male actors mostly seem to have reedy little voices and lazy elocution. They sound like their balls haven't dropped yet.