
I think part of it is that young American male actors no longer seem capable of projecting any kind of authority or gravitas. They remain boyish and inconsequential into their 40s.

Maybe I'm wrong about Silliphant not writing every episode. I'm just going from my memories of watching the whole series a couple of years ago on a local station here in Chicago and from talking with a guy who was on the location scouting crew one season. If he did write every episode…damn.

Maybe I'm wrong about Silliphant not writing every episode. I'm just going from my memories of watching the whole series a couple of years ago on a local station here in Chicago and from talking with a guy who was on the location scouting crew one season. If he did write every episode…damn.

It's a pretty great show. Even in the worst episodes, the locations and local extras are fascinating to look at. Silliphant's scripts (and he didn't write every episode) could be a little angsty, but he had a way of getting to the emotional core of the situations, especially impressive considering that he apparently

It's a pretty great show. Even in the worst episodes, the locations and local extras are fascinating to look at. Silliphant's scripts (and he didn't write every episode) could be a little angsty, but he had a way of getting to the emotional core of the situations, especially impressive considering that he apparently

Yeah, $2000, crazy. Maybe for a co-op, but excessive even for a vintage (I assume) 3-bed. Maybe in New York, not Chicago. Especially since new condo conversions usually tout low maintenance fees to lure buyers in; the buyers find out a year later that the place needs tuck-pointing and the association has no reserve,

If Alicia is going to live in Highland Park and work in the Loop, future episodes will just be her stuck in her car listening to NPR. Even if she takes Metra, that is not a fun commute. RE her finances: As a third-year associate at a top regional firm (there's never been any indication that it's national), Alicia may

Andy, Not Hank
Not Hank Williams, Andy Williams, who knew a little bit about scorned lovers getting gutshot.