
looks awful…liked the book in spite of its annoying qualities but it hardly screams big-screen adaptation

Pretty stupid question alright. McNutt's right: watch the damn show for yourself!

I too can't believe that a fan of The Office—either the UK, US or both versions—dislikes the cringe-worthy moments.

wasn't a huge fan of TTRL either: less lyrical, more ponderous

self-absorbed and way off the mark…
…is how I'd sum up this article. As most people have rightly claimed, BoB is, far and away, better than SPR. No one cares why you didn't get around to watching either till now, but I think most of us would have liked you to explain, in more detail, why you think SPR is better than

Best moment:
Creed's line about how "Darnell" is a chump and how he's done a lot more for a lot less. Man I love Creed!

i saw it coming…
It didn't occur to me that Mosley was complicit, but it was painfully obvious to me that Raylin was the true target. I mean, they cut to the hit men at least 10 mins before the "big reveal" so you know it wasn't one of the Crouter boys who was responsible.

james cameron is such a knob
he's made some good movies but boy is he just full of himself. He probably even sniffs his own farts…

i'd have given this an A
This was one of the best eps in a long time. Kathy Bates was brilliant, of course, but the performances all-round were excellent. Favourite moments? Call me juvenile but the shots of Helms standing awkwardly while two imposing canines sniff his crotch were hilarous. So too was the scene in

the oscars are a joke
After watching the finale of 'Rocky' (I'll admit that I've never seen the whole movie) I really am appalled that it managed to beat 'All the President's Men' and 'Taxi Driver' to the Best Picture award. That's some shameful shit right there…

Fuck the Hurt Locker…
…the best film I've seen from the Oscars shortlist is 'Up'. 'The White Ribbon' is the best movie I've seen this year though, but of course the Oscars is all about promoting Hollywood

Cardiac arrest…
…is not the way a Gang Starr should die. Speedy recovery Guru!

Much better than season 3
The final twist was devastating, I totally did not see that coming. I knew they couldn't just end the show with Dex and Deb looking off into the distance after Dex had disposed of his most capable nemesis—I just didn't think the writers would have the balls to drop THAT bombshell!

That's too bad
The Minstrel Show is one of my favourite albums of all time. Shame 9th Wonder left though, the beats on The Minstrel Show are just phenomenal.

awesome episode
prob the best of the season…the scene where dexter visits deb to console her, as well as the way dex dealt with the news that his neighbour had come onto his wife, were both handled perfectly…

better than the previous ep by a country mile
i know this got a lower grade than the xmas episode but I thought this was streaks ahead. Unlike Donna, I can do without the schmaltzy voiceover at the end. Plus this was a rare case where I thought all three plot threads were entertaining and worthwhile.

say it ain't so!
By drawing comparisons with 911, and then reversing the roles, is Cameron suggesting that the US was in some part responsible for the horrors of that day?

have only read the first page but already I'm not happy
I was hoping to see The Dark Knight at number 50 so it was out of the way and I could stop wondering just how much undeserved praise the AVClub were going to heap on it. Then I get to number 43 and I'm worried: the Dark Knight hasn't come up yet, but great movies

Surprise, surprise
I don't agree with a lot of your picks but, hey, when have Best Of lists not divided opinion. For what it's worth:

White men can't jump…
…and rappers can't direct.