Aaron Boyd

Dexter runs into serial killers the way you run into people inexplicably bringing up Obama in Youtube comments.

In the finale Dexter is pretty much a Viking god that eats a hurricane and shits a beard.

The Roman centurion whose spear pierced the side of Christ seemed genuinely happy with the Dexter finale too, but that didn't stop Constantine from converting.

Paradox: If you were a Showtime executive and Scott Buck told you his raw, unfiltered creative vision, would you have a moral obligation to intervene?

*Quinn is taking the Sergeant's exam*

re: 6): Not to belabor the obvious point, but seriously:: Has there ever been a movie serial killer with a criminal history? Like ever? Because I'm pretty sure one of the universal constants of real-life murderers is that, from Stalin to Hitler to Dhamer to Manson, they have a history of petty yet antisocial behavior

Ghost Harry: Careful Dex! If Supervisor Mark catches you cutting down this tree without proper safety equipment, he could dock $65 from your paycheck!
Dexter VO: I fucking hate Mark.

It's been said a zillion times before, but one of the most impressive things about Season 8 is how much work it does to avoid doing work.

SPOILER the meth spoils and  Jesse puts spoilers on his car and Hank dies in Ozymandias.

This does put a new spin on Saxon telling Dexter "Peashe has cost you your shtrength. Victory hash defeated uuu."

okay so I just returned from my trip to Scotland to ask David Hume how we can be certain Season 8 of Dexter isn't the greatest work of art conceived by the tender, sausagey fingers of Man. here is David Hume's reply:

1) Kill Saxon.

As a Detroit native named Boyd, all these Boydman/Detroittown puns warmed my cockles.

"High school freshman philosophy major."

I think what he meant was that cancer is "banal" in the sense that, had Walter White not chose to become a meth kingpin, his entire life and death would be bland and quotidian—even the cause of his death would be painfully commonplace, no different from heart failure or falling off a ladder while changing a lightbulb.

Vorophilia is when people want to be eaten, but usually "eaten" means "swallowed whole while conscious," like Jon Voight ihe movie Anaconda. That way, the author can make dozens of MSPaint drawing of a smiling dragon monster with a grotequely distended belly rubbing itself over giggly conversation with the victim, who

KONY 2012

I'm native English speaker whose knowledge of Spanish consists solely over six classes (three in high school, three in college) and even I could tell Gus' pronounciation was off. It sounded a lot like the kids in the Intro classes: "El NOM-bre del HOM-bre es….Hank Schraeder.

It's 92% pure remake

There's no reason to post this, I suppose. Back when Breaking Bad and Dexter's final seasons were airing at the same time, the easy joke for lazy people to reach for was the whole "What if Breaking Bad was written by the Dexter writers?" trope. At the time, it was sort of clever, I guess. But now that both shows are