Aaron Boyd

My initial theory was that Walt would be up against some insurmountable coalition of DEA, Nazis, and Germans. Which sounds like a silly theory in retrospect, but at least a third of my theory came true.

Of course. Why would people want to talk about things while they're still exciting when we can just wait for no reason and then  discuss it at an undisclosed point in the future?

Cranston himself said Walt chose teaching because it was the only job where a guy like him could slum it out and not be pressured by his peers. Think about it: If Walt quit Gray Matter to become a, oh, choosing an occupation at random here, lumberjack, his friends would've seen it as an obvious play at sympathy. But a

Also, there'a world of difference between spoiling a work that's nearly a hundred years old (Rosebud is a sled) and one that either aired recently (GoT) or one that, until now, had very little cultural cache (The Shield).

Your states are empty wastelands where nobody's story matters.

So, uh, Madrigal Electromotive….apparently when that German guy told the DEA "Ve had no eedea about zis Fring narkotickz traffiking und ze herr Schuler's weird death" he was being completely honest.

I had a similar reaction ea4lier in the season when it became clear that Madrigal really was a clean company, apparently, and that Lydia nad Herr Schuler were the only ties it had to meth.

From last night…

Needed more lumberjacks.

When I was very young, I rode a train to Battle Creek. I met the conductor. It was my first train ride.

Actually, let me clarify: It's good for the first 4 episodes of Season 7, and there's a brief flicker of it being interesting at the end of 7/beginning of 8, but Season 8 craters so hard so fast and so aggressively it has enormous camp value so it watch it anyway but only with multiple beers and good friends.

Remember Season 1? Returning to Gray Matter was the first offer on the table.

My theory is that it's linked to the lyrics of the song Feleena by Marty Robbins, about a proud cowboy who kills another in a jealous rage and flees El Paso to the "badlands of New Mexico."

The first couple episodes of Season 7 dealt with Deb finding out and were actually pretty good, almost on par with the earlier seasons, but the plot begins to fizzle out about halfway through.

Keep in mind the Brain Surgeon needed to have a vet put two stitches in his arm, which was less injured than Harrison after falling on the treadmill.

I honestly don't know if that's a compliment or insult, but I wrote this before reading any other comments.

He toboggans through the snow on Deborah Morgan's corpse.

As I said weeks ago, everything we need to know about the final episode is contained in the lyrics to Marty Robbins' Feleena. The cowboy commits a murder in a jealous, arrogant rage and flees from El Paso to the badlands of New Mexico for fear of retribution. But he returns to El Paso to make amends and is violently

Dexter: "Hey Harrison, I just wanted to say I love you one last time."
Harrison: "I find nothing wrong with your phrasing."
Ghost Harry: "Careful Dex! Hurricanes are known to cause beard growth!"

For the record, I toned down the Holocaust joke because, yeah, it was pretty dark, and even as hyperbole it kinda brings down the mood. Sorry if anyone was offended.