Aaron Boyd

We live in an age where liberals care more about Bradley Manning's right to have a sex change in prison than the hundred thousand Syrians killed by Bashar al-Assad. Yeah, it's a completely backwards value system, but I stand by my statement that this episode of TV has caused more pain than Gavrilo Princip.

I'm on board.

And then added Zac Effron for no reason.

Sarah Colleton was a producer for Hannibal, but fired herself to free up room in the budget for the actress who played Abigail Hobbs. As far as I'm concerned, she's like a better Jesus.

I had the exact same reaction.

Dark Knight Rises was seriously awesome and if you don't agree, get back to me when the first Zach Snyder Batman comes out.

By which you mean he Gatsybed into a wall of Playstation 2 graphics and became a lumberjack.

Okay. Okay. Let's fuck this chicken.

Name one fucking thing that was competent. Even the hurricane looked like Playstation 2 graphics. THERE WAS LIGHTNING INSIDE THE HOSPITAL.

Joshua, how cathartic was writing this review? I remember throughout season 6 and early season 8 you were struggling to be diplomatic and give the show the benefit of the doubt. As we nosedived in to the final episodes, you seemed to be jettisoning fucks left and right until finally, you had your Dexter Bar Mitzvah. 

So many feelings. So much to say. I'm going to watch Breaking Bad right now to wash the taste out of my mouth, but let's say it while the feeling's fresh: This was actually worse than I expected.

Don't say that. Believe in miracles.

Because he killed Saxon.


Dexter VO: I don't need Ghost Harry anymore.
Ghost Harry: Careful Dex! That's bullshit!

When Dex caught him, all I could think was: "How will Dexter fuck this one up?" And somehow, he exceeded my expectations. This is like watching incubator babies wrestle.

Did anyone else think this was a Game of Thrones episode?

Last night I also dreamed that I was watching tonight's Breaking Bad in a movie theatre, and Cranston, Paul, and what could have been a disguised Robert Downey Jr. made a surprise appearance. Paul sat down next to me, and I introduced myself.

Last night I had a dream-prophecy where I saw the Dexter finale. SPOILERS Dexter wanders around his empty apartment saying goodbye to various objects in the vein of Goodnight Moon, occasionally adding "We've had some fun times together." Then the camera zoomed in on his face, he said "I have a plan," removed his

At this point individual episodes can't save themselves. The story has been written into more corners than an MC Escher painting. At best we'll have a limp resolution to 1/3 of the show's subplots. Hell, the writers will probably forget to tell us if Dexter killed Saxon then moved to Argentina.