Aaron Boyd

Run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes.

Fun trivia: Writer George Mastras is a former attorney whose brother is a practicing oncologist and sister writes for Mad Men.

I'm genuinely shocked that no one has pointed out the visual parallels between the scene where Skyler demands that Jesse be put down and the "one who knocks" scene. The compositions are almost identical, even though the roles are reversed. There's even a direct reference to someone finally knocking on the door;

Considering Skyler is pretty much demanding Walt ice one of the most sympathetic characters on the show under the same slippery slope pretense of "protecting the family" that everyone agreed was bullshit when employed by walt, the "only misogynists hate Skyler" argument has never been weaker.

Cranston once gave a great explanation in an interview: Self-pity. If Walt took a protest-job at the docks or Wal*Mart to show Gretchen and Elliot he didn't need their stupid Gray Matter money, his friends and family would've noticed and talked him down. But to become an Educator? At a public school? No one can

This episode featured an extremely satisfying amount of Walt roaring

He could be Hawkeye…

Like a dogfighting ring?

Yeah, it's so hard to imagine now, but the first time Olbermann did one of his indignant SIR HOW YOU SO DARE SIR tirades it was so impossibly refreshing compared to the endless parade chest-thumping kneejerk nationalism. It was like "At last, someone is willing to say the unpopular thing and criticize the policies of

Hahaha, a lady puncher! What'll they think of next??

"instead of having LaGuerta actually convince people that Dexter is the Butcher and having this season be an on-the-run thing or a courtroom trial thing, they turn LaGuerta into a bench"

This is a pretty inspiring article.


Are you saying "boo" or "boo-Warner-Brothers'-The-Getaway?"

(edit: there is no god)

oh wait nm im just having a stroke sorry everyone

No I'm pretty sure it's exactly the right amount.

Someone is going to make a "Meth!" joke and I will beat them to it.

tsch tsch tsch ringytsch