
I suspect that after a brief layover in Omaha Saul will be visiting his money in the Cayman Islands or wherever he's got it stashed away.  I think he fled because Huell, the last known person to speak with Hank and Gomie, told the feds investigating their disappearance about the barrels of money Huell took to Saul's

They did leave one guy outside by the car: he was the first to get shot.

Duh, two targets, two hitmen (that's a joke, son)

There wasn't a police investigation because Dex disposed of the body as usual.  Which leads to other questions, like how did a (semi)major celebrity with a known connection to Dexter just vanish - like Hannah's billionaire husband would do later - without anyone wondering what happened to him?  Or whether the car's

So much wasted potential.  Even keeping with the main absurd story line, there was a chance for Dex, having found out his sister was brain-dead, to spend some quiet time with her, and then tell the doctors that he gives his consent to pull the plug when they see fit.  The the rest of Miami Metro would know what had

I can almost see that - he's still killing things, but they're trees, plants, which are beloved by his soul-mate Hannah.  And he's up in Alaska, as far away from Argentina as he can be…

I would renew my about-to-be-cancelled Showtime subscription to see that!

Or even checking up on some major characters like Saul or Lydia.  And I think that this is one of the really big differences between the two shows:  the Dexter writers feel like they have to cram every character whose actor is in the credits into an episode whether the story line needs them or not.  BB, like the

I think Showtime's servers are going to crash on Monday with everyone cancelling their subscriptions!

fatvirgin, Doakes didn't commit suicide: he was killed - or allowed to die, if you're feeling generous - by Lila, AKA the Titty Vampire.  Doakes may have had a quick temper and a past with the CIA, but the case against him wasn't that strong.  He didn't even have a boat to dispose of the bodies until Dex doctored some

Not necessarily Marie, but definitely a minor character, like Fortinbas in Hamlet, who comes on at the end to announce everyone's dead and the play's over.  Like, Carol.  Or Francesca from Saul's office.

In some of the earlier seasons, Dex was actually shown (or acted like) he was getting off killing people, but I think that's too icky for the current show runners and writers.  I'm happy the show didn't go with the lengths book Dexter goes to to kill his victims (slowly dismembering them while alive, IIRC), but

The disks are available on Netflix.

Um, Emilio and Krazy 8 were killed in the first 3 episodes - well before Gus was introduced.  Even if one fanwanks that he was still controlling things - which contradicts Tuco being the next level up - they were just low-level dealers.

Yeah, my gal Angie is back!  Too bad she's back in the background of a crime scene with no lines.

Haven't seen them in Safeway in years, but 99 Ranch, a West Coast grocery chain catering to the Chinese-American market has always had them in stock - usually pork brains.  They also sell containers of pig blood.

Watch Dexter first, then Breaking Bad: it's like having the world's best ice cream sundae after having eaten your liver and overcooked spinach.

From Ghost Harry, of course, who is really a sort of Time Lord-like character from the future (or the Dharma Initiative) who uses his advanced computer skills to help this 21st century person he has inexplicably taken a liking to.  Little does Ghost Harry suspect that he is really being used by Future CyberDoakes as

I stand in awe, sir or madame: it's all so obvious when you point it out!

And I thought this was a very good touch on the show's part, assuming the audience is intelligent enough to see Gomie in the background and make the deduction that Hank told him.  Unlike a certain Showtime program that is stumbling to a conclusion…