
My reaction to the pilot was different: I believed (and still do) that Jimmy/Saul stashed enough of his cut away in the Cayman Islands or some place lacking an extradition treaty with the US and finishes his days on a beach. Maybe he'll still end up there - he's just biding his time until his fake passport comes

The DEA had Huell in for questioning the day Hank and Gomie die: once they know the agents are dead, the DEA is going to put pressure on Huell to talk, who can tell them about Saul and his client with the barrels of money. Once Huell starts talking, even if Skyler doesn't mention Goodman, the feds have good reason to

I saw a wedding party once where one of the bridesmaids had very colorful sleeve art, which unfortunately clashed dreadfully with her dress. A pale pink bare-shouldered dress does not go well with green/red/black dragons.

I've sometimes indulged in temporary tats,but I can't bring myself to commit to anything permanent. Plus, my grandfather had tattoos (ex-navy), so I associate them with old people (and I'm no spring chicken). I've seen young people with nice-looking geometric designs, but I wonder what they'll look like after time

Back in the 40s, yeah, women did most of the grunt work. By the end of the 50s, if not earlier, it was a man's world, but one where women were more accepted than in many technical professions.

I always found Harry a sympathetic character: the hard-working schlub who's usually right, but nobody appreciates or rewards. If it weren't for Harry, Sterling Cooper would have faded into oblivion in the mid 1960s, when TV took over as the dominant advertising medium. And he was the only one at SC&P who saw the

Roger can talk about it because he's the owner/boss/partner/guy with his name on the door and can't be fired easily. Mathis has just learned what many people in the business world learn their first day: there are different standards for the bosses and the workers.

Yeah, you're in a very small minority. IMHO Glen gives off a serial-killer-in-training vibe.

I think the point of Pima was to remind Stan of the artistic world he left, or of the big bucks some people are making in that field. Peggy's right that Pima's main talent is for self-promotion: that's what distinguishes the the successful artist from the good one. (For some reason Pima reminds me of Yoko Ono,

She starts a gallery, inspired by Yoko Ono, where she tries to sell things no one wants. When the LA branch goes south she moves to London to become a jet-setter. That Megan, always a couple of years behind the trends.

I can see your point about Trudy (who'll always be daddy's little girl), but compared to Megan she seems very low maintenance.

I can't vouch for New Mexico, but I've done a fair amount of camping in the California deserts, and under some conditions it is possible to see at night: the combination of light-colored soil and a full moon will often be bright enough to navigate, especially if there are no other light sources to interfere. One

Barbecue sauce is just a why to disguise bad barbecue. Good barbecue don't need no dripping, sticky, sweet sauce!

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz….huh? what? Is it over already? I told my partner to wake me up when the show got around to something resembling a plot. Bill's backstory does nothing except show that he was always a boring wet blanket. Nial's a real tool ("Yeah, granddaughter, you're boyfriend's gonna die horribly, but to make you

I'm want Danny and Megan to have their own crossover/spinoff show so I can skip it.

Did Hillary take the credit or did the press of the time give him the credit? IIRC, neither Hillary nor Norgay ever said which of them was first: they both maintained it was a team effort.

Huell and Kuby can tie him to money laundering, as can Skyler. My theory is that Saul lit out for Omaha because Huell told the follow-up DEA agents what he told Hank and Gomie about delivering the barrels of money to Walt at Saul's office. I don't know how far lawyer/client confidentiality goes in criminal cases

Ha! That's what they want us to think. It was Andrea all the time - it takes a lot of $$$ to keep Brock in Fruit Loops. Betcha she was another one of Mr. White's "former" students, too.

Being a Stu Sutcliffe fan is like being an ur-hipster: you liked him before most Beatles fans even knew he existed.

And love - especially familial love - was a motivating factor for Walt and Tio Hector and Gus and Mike