You 4 Real


Winehouse is British.  Need I say more?

I loved the reboot myself, but I won't get into that now…What I do want to mention is that some form of Buck Rogers could be awesome.  You would just have to completely negate the original premise.  The idea that a man from the past could actually assist anyone in the future with there "spaceship skills" is just

So…Adam Sandler…is like, a playwright…and there's like tons of cannons and stuff…

She is the least essential character in the cast.  I never care about her plot lines.  The episode where she was "playing the field" could have resulted in a funny character trait, but they dropped it.  Imagine if her bit was that she always had a new dude?  Better than boring nurse person.

I think they are basing Ben's character directly off of the comments of AV Club contributors.

That joke LITERALLY killed me.  So awesome.  It's exactly what I would say to someone in reality if posed with the question "did Game of Thrones get cancelled?"  Get out of my brain, Parks and Rec!

If they bust out and evil universe cross-over, it will be freaking EPIC.  Such an awesome idea.

Promoting a liberal agenda using space metaphors is the point of Trek, man.  Hell, it's the point of most science fiction.

Cool story, Hansel.


He's freaking perfect!  Wow.

Agreed.  I figured those were some nasty eggos full of preservatives.  No one dislikes a GOOD waffle.

I think Kyle discovering the secret flavoring at the end of the episode may put the nix on their relationship.

I wonder if they'll keep up a "Stan-as-closet-drunk" plot…

I've read through the comments here and I honestly can't believe what I'm hearing.  Actively campaigning to cancel the Simpsons?!  This is not the AV Club I know.  Beyond the show being an institution, it's still actually funny!  I don't care what the haters say.  Did you see the Chalmers episode last week? 

I think the single character episodes will be a great way to explore what each character has been up to since the final episode.  You seriously wouldn't want to watch an episode devoted to the trials and tribulations of Tobias?

Good God, man.  I hope you're joking.  Watch it NOW.

"His attempts to get more information from neighbor Naomi Watts and the
local police are met with the blank-faced artificial stonewalling
typically aimed at characters asking questions on Lost."
Thank you for saying this.  It's that very problem that made me stop watching that show.

I have a real soft spot for Lois and Clark.  It's still my favorite take on the character of Superman.  In every other depiction, Superman is who the guy really is and Clark is just an act.  In Lois and Clark they flipped the paradigm and Clark was the actual character.
Also, that was Teri Hatcher in her PRIME!