Alice Morgan makes me understand male praying mantis behavior.
Alice Morgan makes me understand male praying mantis behavior.
@avclub-1e306e7641ed7c1e423ac1985bff615e:disqus Homophobe. Also, that they're clones isn't exactly the mystery.
So you're dating a scenester with no talent or even an understanding of what she's covering? Cool story, bro.
The A.V. Club
Orphans are the new Black.
Yeah, I've known people like Pennsatucky in real life. A lot of them have been to jail. They belong there, because they're the sort of dangerous asshole that will imagine a slight and get violent over it.
@disqus_oaLJ5MNIyo:disqus Actually, war crimes and crimes against humanity are two different classes of offense under the law. IIRC from law school, war crimes are generally less heinous and occur in the course of war rather than, say, a genocide or campaign of rape against civilians.
@Riley She wasn't at college, she was in high school. Though I'm still not sure how she ended up in a fed prison for an armed robbery even though it's entirely plausible that she could have been sentenced as an adult when she was 17 or so depending on the state.
Daniel Day Lewis has NOTHING on the method actress who plays Elizabeth II. That woman is locked into her role 24/7 all year round.
Sup, Chuy!
Seriously, it's not like Capaldi isn't an incredibly well respected and BAFTA winning actor. Just because the Who fans are ignorant of something like The Thick of It doesn't mean that the actors on the show are unknown. It just makes them look like children. Which, in fairness, a lot of them probably are.
@avclub-d80126524c1e9641333502c664fc6ca1:disqus How does that comment only have 6 likes?!
@avclub-9c4b855675d2a511c06fc3b54ed18dd6:disqus *SPOILER* Oh, we see Mance in action. Of course, he doesn't quite look like himself at that point.
@Curmudgahideen:disqus You fool! That IS the action! ASOIAF is just window dressing so he can write food porn!
After another 5 shows, Oliver is fitting in pretty well. He's more strident than Stewart is, which can both help and hinder the shows comedic aims depending upon the topic. But he's clearly gotten more comfortable both with his interviews and behind the desk, which has been all to the good.
@avclub-cb5bb1925c016ec708c3ea3860f3836f:disqus I enjoyed it. It was well written, interesting, and vaguely terrifying. About as good as a book about zombies can get.
I watched the entire Twilight series via Rifftrax, and very much enjoyed it. The second one had too many uncomfortable gay panic joke, but the third one was as good as anything they've ever done. I think that Rifftrax at it's best is just as good as MST3K. I mean, c'mon. The Room alone is reason enough for it to exist.
How does almost dying in an accident make one a hero? Or are we just completely ignoring the meaning of that word.
@avclub-c3c9c3d344aebcd85120ce46cb2d8468:disqus They were in the books, the slaves came from all over and were of every nationality and skin tone. The Dothraki don't discriminate when it comes to taking slaves. A little surprised they didn't do that in the show, but I guess the extras available made that less tenable…
As mentioned elsewhere, you should check out his work on The Bugle. He's reliably excellent there playing the semi-straight man to Andy Zaltzman, and I expect his hosting to be much more akin to that than his resident Brit persona.