
Marc Maron
According to his Best Show interview, Maron really didn't get on with this guy when he came on WTF. The main reason seems to be that Rosenthal didnt buy his parents a new house after he got rich of Raymond. Or something.

Yay. Jonathan Goldstein finally got mentioned around here. Anyone here like Wiretap?

@Claude - try Tig's appearances on Jordan Jesse Go, or on Dave Hill's podcasts. Her interview with Marc Maron is really interesting. Her Comedy Death Ray/Comedy Bang Bang shows are quite funny.

Good One Robot
When Tig is the guest on a pocast she is invariably one of the best guests those podcasts ever get. Yet the Tig magic works less well on her own podcast. Weird.

Could the Canadian aspect of SPY account for some of the difference between their guests and Marc Maron's?

his first work (not a firstie)
Apparently Morrison's first comic writing work was for the Starriors comics that came with the toys.

Thanks for all these. They are all new to me (except TSOYA which I enjoy sporadically) Suggestions noted, copied and pasted. I knew the Club would come up with the goods…

List Time
It is surprising how over the past few years podcasts have become part of my daily life. I dont listen to the radio anymore or music very much.

Why only B+? What's wrong with it? Great film. Great writing. Great directing (natch). Great acting. Coolest alien monsters since Chewbacca.

Jon Dore - best podcast guest ever?

Ok Ok. You all have convinced me that its not all about self-promotion. You win! I will be appearing at the Laff Bucket in Boise and then Chuckleuppers in Calgary all next month.

@Snarkley: "I very much doubt it since he seemed to be there, and this show in particular seemed to be booked to promote Attack the Block." Exactly. Hence his discomfort. The stuff he does with Adam Buxton often skewers precisely this sort of thing so I am guessing he was feeling a tad self-conscious. I'm just sorry

Hey Grimmy - I said Cornish was cynical, not CBB.

What Spike brings to the table is Tom's introductions to Spike.

Sorry but not surprised to hear Joe Cornish not really getting the CBB vibe. From what I''ve gleaned from his broadcasting/writing/television apearances, I suspect he's a little too savvy and cynical about the sort of self-promoting froth that underlies most LA-based podcasts these days. On his own turf he

@Bad Wolf. I wasn't making a moral equivalency point, but a point about how low the bar has dropped now in US public discourse that we all seem to take it for granted that a comic book writer gets death threats for making a (weak) joke about a political movement. And, by the way, while you and I might agree that

@ME. What do you think of Lanois' own version of 'Where Will I Be' on the album 'Here is What Is?'

Y'all do realise that America is one fucked up country, right?

More shocking than the fact that he got death threats is that no one seems surprised that he got death threats. DEATH THREATS!

Good examples. Thanks. Studio 60 reminds me that the West Wing did a good job of this too. Because its Christian heroes were rooted in a recognisable reality, it made its portrayal of Christian villains that much more valid. Unlike say, the squandered satire of Salvation Boulevard…