
@avclub-019009b3dba521659466e53ec350163d:disqus SK? Is that you?

@avclub-019009b3dba521659466e53ec350163d:disqus SK? Is that you?

I used to think it was funny how the credits for the TV show Due South  would show America as gritty and urban with the cop running through the city streets, and then up north as pristine wilderness with the Mountie and his dog leaping over a raging stream. All the scenes were filmed in Canada.

I used to think it was funny how the credits for the TV show Due South  would show America as gritty and urban with the cop running through the city streets, and then up north as pristine wilderness with the Mountie and his dog leaping over a raging stream. All the scenes were filmed in Canada.

Here's looking at you Stop Podcasting Yourself and hosts and occasional guests of Comedy Bang Bang.

Chevy Chase

Cosby would be such a good guest. But I suspect he has no idea/interest in WTF or its fans. Too bad internet groundswell movements to get people on internet programs only work when the subjects know how to use the internet.

BRAND = the thinking person's dumb person
GERVAIS = the dumb person's thinking person

From the online trailer, it looks like The Heart, She Hollers is an American version of the League of Gentleman, at least in spirit. Any League love here?

Don't mind me, I'm just happy to have a Kierkegaard discussion on a pop culture website is all.

Of course, it isn't Kierkegaard's reading of Abraham and Isaac that you agree with, but Johannes de Silentio's.  There were a number of books after Fear and Trembling, none of which ever mention the Knight of Faith again, and some of which directly critique Silentio's version of what it is to have faith.

I'm interested, what about my interpretation don't you agree with GhaleonQ? I don't think my reading is 'common' at all, more like the opposite.

Re. Kierkegaard and the binding of Isaac. It always bugs me too when people assume that this was a story celebrating child sacrifice, and then assume an air of smug superiority over the people who first wrote it down. The story is clearly subversive of such practices, and an example of an ancient culture's move away

So basically what you are saying is that instead of a TV show about a time-jumping crime solver, you want to watch a TV show about a depressed amnesiac putting his life back together? Wee.

Its weird - everyone seems to just *know* that Chase is a dick, but last time I did a google search, it was surprisingly difficult to find any substantial stories about him.

He doesn't like to talk about it but Tom Scharpling directed the video for Romance. Just say'n. Why?

Would love to know more about the Chevy Chase story. Why was she fighting with him, apart from his general assholery? Actually, 'Chevy Chase is an asshole' stories are always good. More please.

The trick with reading Patrick O'Brian's sea-jargon is to just let your eyes skim over it while imagining lots of men pulling ropes and hoisting sails flapping in the breeze. Then get back into the story. I have been doing this since Master and Commander and it works everytime!


yeah yeah
Good actor and all, but HEY, have you noticed they are charging us to read the Onion now?