
religious broadcasting
Movies and TV have trouble portraying ANY characters with complex and multivalent ways of life, so it is no surprise that Christianity fares no better. What portrayals can you think of where Hollywood has got it right? For some reason PT Anderson's films seem to be able to do it. John C.

has anyone seen the we hate movies thread?
i miss all those cute sock puppets

Kyle Ryan?
What did the Apple Sisters do to you or whoever runs Podmass to get them on week after week and can the chaps over at Stop Podcasting Yourself do it instead?

I like 'Jesse and his friend Herb' better

Thanks to the AVClub I just started getting into the Best Show, and it is, indeed, the best.

The SPYs without a guest are often some of the best ones - but try the Jon Dore episodes or the Amanda Brook Perrin one.

@Girard. I know what you mean about the lack of specific Jesus mentions in American Gods. Except for a passing reference to the fact that someone saw Christ hitching a ride somewhere in the Middle East, JC in American Gods is conspicuous by his absence. This might be for marketing reasons, but frankly, I doubt it.

The weird thing is, he is kind of the smartest man in the world too. At least in podcast world, anyway.

OP, you aren't missing anything. You COULD suffer through the Nerdist if you thought the guest was interesting. OR you could wait for that guest to almost certainly appear on another podcast, saying pretty much the same things, and with more interesting and better interveiwers.

I challenge anyone to listen to Harware Store and not smile once.

McNulty - much like your Wire, the Proopscast picks up around episode 4 or 5, as do the audiences.

SPOILER of Young America: Rudolph Herzog
According to a story Jesse on JJgo, Daddy Werner was in the room the whole time. Haven't heard TSOYA yet though - do they allude to his presence?

Sorry G, misspelled your name.

Its not really a games podcast (hardly at all in fact) but the video games journalist John Walker has been doing a good podcast with Nick Mailer called Rum Doings for quite some time.

Smartest Man
The fact that there are people on this board who do not like Greg Proop's podcast is all the proof you need to know that the AVclub is a broad tent and that everyone is welcome, even though you are a mouth breathing idiothole.

TreeRol - I never thought of it that way before. Thanks.

Hey Pantaloon - I wasn't trying to be a jerk about it. Obviously the meanings of words change - hence my query as to whether any commentators in the US make a note of it. Don't you at least think its ironic how the people who hate 'liberals' the most are pretty much some of the purest examples of classical political

Yes, its pretty obvious to any politically-educated observer that the main sides in the debate aren't arguing about liberalism per se as much as they are arguing about how best to work out the implications of liberalism. The situation is the same here in the UK, but at least we don't tend to use 'liberal' as an

@close-watcher. I take your good point about classical liberalism and personal liberty trumping communal concerns. That was just my cack-handed way of trying to say that right-wingers prioritise freedom (to the point of fetishization). You cannot have liberalism without liberty, hence, right-wing = liberal.

we are all Liberals now
Since I don't live in the USA and I can't bring myself to watch your TV commentators, perhaps the AVclub can help. Does anyone involved in your public discourse ever address the fact that both American Right and Left are 'liberals'? The most right-wing Republican today holds to principles