
This review makes it look good, but…
The book jacket for this one made it sound as much like Kraken as possible, and that is precisely why I have not bothered reading it. After Kraken losing its way in the third (or even second) act, it is going to take a lot for me to pick up yet another convoluted

@ Seagull. Great post.
@ Tim C. It was a deconstruction insofar as it went to the roots of what it is to be a vigilante. "Dirty Harry-with-superhero trappings" sounds about right as a good description of comicbook deconstruction!

Dont Stop Or We'll Die
Has anyone else got 'Once In A While' running through their heads from last week's Comedy Bang Bang musical interlude? Someone give those guys a record deal!

I've seen this kind of thing before, and its not pretty. T'internets are gonna get ugly.

How much do you wanna bet that the unregistered guy from We Hate Movies and Dark Passengerside Airbag are the same person?

Kierkegaard was actually pretty up on his popular culture. He thought 'chatter' was pretty stupid, as well as the modern tendency to build up and tear down public figures. So he would hate it here in the AV Club. On the other hand - pseudonyms!

…would be the only reason I spend any money on this film at all. C'mon Hollywood, you want my nerd-dollars, don't you? Nice, shiny nerd-dollars?

Was Jennifer really reading Kierkegaard in her bedroom? The clip doesn't reveal it. What jokes did they make about him? CAN you make jokes about him?

@McNulty. You beat me to it! I thought Jesse was more confrontational than Tig. He seemed rattled.

When Tig is in the room with all the other comedians trying too hard, her 'normal' style tends to subvert whatever is going on in the room. Considering the typical tone struck by CDR, Doug Loves Movies et al, Tig's normalcy makes her a kind of weird outsider. Also, you like Kitson? Cool. I saw him in Edinburgh a few

Agreed. Go back and listen to her first JJGo appearance too (forget which number, sorry) which is also great. She says that she did that show before she even knew what a podcast was. She is pretty much the best guest on any podcast she gets on (she was Dave Hill's first guest too). I noticed that JJgo and Dave Hill

I don't think Byrne is a racist jerk or anything. From the sound of it he is probably far from it (I only know him from this WTF interview and he seemed decent enough). But if he thinks comedy is about speaking truth to power then he should probably spend a bit more time looking at who really has the power.

Steve Byrne
Byrne's schtick about race and the poor oppressed white man was as boring as it was stupid. People who think that everyone should just 'get over' the whole racism thing because, like, 'we're all Americans now bro' are assuming that there is, or was, or ever could be a level playing field. The generation

Sally Wade
Hmmm. Don't really get the the Sally Wade episode love. It seemed to me that Maron was slipping into the same conversational groove that I have to slip into when dealing with essentially decent but emotionally fragile and self-obsessed older women (i.e my mom). There wasn't so much truth in this episode as