
Alana learning the truth about Lecter is nothing compared to when Hannibal learns that Alana knows the truth about him. I must say I'm intrigued, but also very, very worried about this plot development, as I like Alana even more than I liked Beverly.

Hannibal makes everyone look even more beautiful than they already are. Caroline Dhavernas is already really gorgeous, but the show just accentuates those features. It does the same for Mads Mikkelsen. And Will's admirer in this episode. And everyone else. What I'm saying is, this is one good-looking cast and I would

We knew Will wouldn't get away with his plan, but this conflict is so, so, interesting because it illustrates the power he wields from behind his prison cell, the advantage he has over Hannibal because he's willing to do whatever it takes to kill him. That's not to say being in a prison cell gives him that advantage

Nice! I normally don't listen to commentary because I don't have the time, but I'll check it out.

300 comments in, and no one's mentioned Fringe. :(

Treme's is awesome. It's really catchy and put together nicely, and I'm still annoyed that Phil spent a considerable amount of time in his finale review bashing it. Opinions are opinions, I guess, but I love it.

I probably won't be covering Caprica. Is it good?

I tear up just thinking about that song. I love those opening credits.

Agreed. Now, if only they could've improved those awful end credits. I recently watched "Commencement", and I was so caught up in what was going on that I forgot my usual 'pause before the credits' routine. Didn't diminish the power of the episode, obviously, but still annoying.

Because it's you, wallflower, I'll put this statement here: I love The Shield's intro.

Well, I hereby announce a brief hiatus to my FNL reviews. Season 4 reviews will return as soon as I make my way through BSG Season 1, but who knows? Maybe they'll show up earlier.

Battlestar Galactica: The Miniseries
"Are you alive? Prove it."

Ugh, that was an awful comment section. I think the same kind of stuff blew up in the earlier women in movies threads, too. I thought this site was above that kind of shit, but it looks like that's not the case. *Shakes furry head*

That's what the comments section is for! I loved it, too. Well said.

His scene in Philip's car was excellent, too. Heart-wrenching performance there.

I loved that scene. There was no cliched prisoner bathroom escape, and there was a mutual understanding that he had to try; it didn't lead to a beat down or anything, because they both knew that if Philip was in that situation, he'd do the same.

That's true. I don't think he'd ever regret what he did to Augustine, but Art's shooting is definitely a bit of a wake up call, and he definitely does consider doing things more by the book in this episode. I still wouldn't be surprised if he didn't get over that childishness, though.

Shameless is one of my favorite shows on right now, and hopefully the comedy nom field will be easier to crack for Emmy Rossum (as well as the show in general), who's been fantastic every year.

Can you blame him? I've always wanted to visit the American capital of Mars.

Her TD role wouldn't have been that notable, nor would she have been a thing, if not for the scene where she got naked. Oh, society.