
DUNKIRK: I don't get it. I love Nolan, but this is a drab, plodding 107 minutes that has a complete disregard for character and instead tries to replace it with camera wizardry. Mind you, that camera wizardry is a stunning achievement, especially with regards to the aerial scenes, but I am thoroughly unconvinced by

DUNKIRK: I don't get it. I love Nolan, but this is a drab, plodding 107 minutes that has a complete disregard for character and instead tries to replace it with camera wizardry. Mind you, that camera wizardry is a stunning achievement, especially with regards to the aerial scenes, but I am thoroughly unconvinced by

A Ghost Story was incredible. Every time you think it's going to go wrong—the silliness of the ghost, the seemingly way too long scenes, a theme dump monologue that strives for profundity—it just doesn't. It all works beautifully, and I think it's so powerful because it realizes how absurd its central image is.

I'm more excited for that than I am for Dunkirk.

IT COMES AT NIGHT: Unfortunately the ideas are stronger than the execution. Shults and Daniels do a nice job of exploring the claustrophobic spaces with wide shots and foreboding camera movements, but the film places too much stock in its minimalist tendencies to actually be effective. There are several wonderful

Honestly Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep are nothing compared to this supporting cast, my goodness. This is television lover's heaven.

I embrace the bad joke just like Kevin embraced Nora as a human being after many trials and tribulations that almost broke them apart but allowed them to find each other at the end.

Though it was a miniseries I'm still taking this opportunity to mention how much I adore the ending of Band of Brothers.

I get why people didn't like it, but I really liked it, especially the relatively standalone character episodes like "Two Boats and a Helicopter" and "Guest".

Remember when even throughout season one people were saying this was a bad show? I disagreed vehemently then and the remainder of the series has validated that.

I haven't read through this yet but from what I gather it's all about praising Carrie Coon so I'm here for it. Upvote for you.


"I believe you."
"You do?"
"Why wouldn't I? You're here."
"I'm here."

You guys are part of my diet I need you all alive


Yeah, I wish this review delved a little more into the episode's symbolism + exploration of Kevin's psyche and particularly his relationship with Nora (and even Kevin Sr.). As ridiculously surreal as the show gets, it's always centered around very personal, character-driven stories, and I love that about it. I feel

“I couldn’t enlighten you with a fucking thousand watt bulb.”

Sorry I meant previous to Ex Machina. I was just going off what Whistler said about pre ex Machina screenplays.

Test screening in LA.

I think lots of people preferred season one the most, but I really loved the second as well. That was just a pressure cooker of a season done right, and Kyle Chandler's performance was amazing.