The Magical Ghost Of The Timon

Well, I do indeed stand by all that I have said. The detached you tone you describe is detail to an argument perhaps best left to its own devices. However, what's done is done. Using the word hipster in the opening was, I felt, the most honest and accurate word I could come up with to describe my initial reaction.

I disagree, Mr. Egg. This is a critical text and forming well made arguments is still worth while, even considering that opinions of preference are subjective (and they are). Had this piece been built around an making an argument that Sandler isn't funny, sincere or relevant, I might not have felt I had room to

… and *comes from* the lowest point …

With all due respect to other posters, while I may enjoy many of Sandler's 'classic' films, I am not attempting to defend his genius. I am instead attempting to point out that focusing an entire article on one writer/director's specific failures is lazy and a little mean spirited as well. There point that Mr.

This article is concrete evidence
that A.V. Club has finally gone 100% rude/arrogant hipster. No weighing things out, no tit-for-tat in this article. Just a day wasted on hating on the career of a person who isn't at the top of his game like he used to be.

The biggest crime of all
is the song that accompanies this video. What a flamin' heap of shit.

So what - you lookin' for *more* bills to pay? Shit, I guess somebody got a raise or something. In the meantime, a lot of us are losing our jobs, and from our perspective, free is our friend right now.

Why don't people understand that ADVERTISERS PAY FOR SPACE ON THE INTERNET!!! SO so frustrating. This is about *additional* monies, not just making money in general. Why are we not pissed off about getting cock teased about a new feature for 3 months and then finding out that it's a pay service, exclusively through

*This means

Screw that noise, advertisers pay too. I have been reading the Onion and bringing regular clicks to the advertisers since the 90's, and frankly I feel snubbed by this move. The means that content isn't for everybody anymore, it's for those who can afford funny. Fucking 21st century.

Seriously though, not including Packard Goose is a pretty big oversight - seeing as how Joe's Garage was *definitely* a commercial success (it's debatably Zappa's most accessible album) and it criticizes music critics directly. If it's not on here 'cuz Heller dislikes Zappa, then I would remind Mr. Heller that pop

Welcome Back Pee Wee
Now that our overprotective, Inside Edition watching parents can't protect us from you, you've finally come back to us!

I really do love this movie. And Tim Curry has kicked ass in practically everything done, even if the text sucked ballz.

Why does Wolinski dissect the 'comedy of Steve Brule?' Because he's paid to. That's his job. That's why we come here.

Who put the cock in the cockerspaniel?
Who took a pee on the pekineese?
Who left his toy in the toy poodle?
I'd like to shake that bastard's hand if you please!

Dij, smoking kicks ass. I didn't think so until I started realizing that I support municipal parks programs and keep public schools in textbooks. So, next time you see someone light up, be sure to say 'Thank You For Smoking!' and, for the benefit of your state/country, consider picking up a pack of Luckies on the

Hey, Phil Collins, you got any more of those Dirty Burgers lined up?

P.S. Doesn't your pointing out how ridiculous my pointing out how ridiculous a post is make you guilty of the same crime? This is gonna get real recursive, real quick!

At least by ghost cock is huuuuuuuge. :| Seriously. It's ethereal and its enormous.

Like Conan O'Brien?