P.S. - Yeaaaah Mango was pretty much ignorant and unfunny on every level.
P.S. - Yeaaaah Mango was pretty much ignorant and unfunny on every level.
Meh, I think we're kinda over-analyzing it at this point. Allz I'm sayin' for my part is that the merits of humor do not have any regard to race, creed, sexual orientation, etc. It's the writing and execution that should determine the quality of such works, and not the source of the subject matter.
I doubt Carvey still has it in him, Nealon might make it happen tho.
No, really, Juanito, good comedy doesn't give a flying fuck if you're an unborn gay mixed race baby seal protector or you're whatever labels you associate your sensitive self with. It just doesn't care. And the minute you start bitching about it, you become a much juicier target for ridicule than you were before.
Ya agreed. Can't be selective about who you make fun of and what you make fun of them for. Just the nature of comedy, man - gotta be an equal opportunity asshat.
A damned beautiful game
1) Excellent graphics (for the wii)
Shore Patrol is right about CC's being right!
You will be missed
When my damned soul found the hater on the community laptop 3 years ago, my productivity dropped exponentially. Your observations and unapolgetic snark brought out the best and the worst in myself and many of my fellow in-denial hipster douchebags. I miss the good ol' days, firing away on the…