
@avclub-f336f687c802c5fb53f586a467b03580:disqus Good luck. 2 episodes aired. I think they had completed 6 but never made them available anywhere after it was cancelled.

"maybe the most important thing of the season"

"slight return to Good Don"


"This must be a record here in the A.V. club."

Why didn't anyone tell me that Matt Berry is a musical genius in addition to being a comedic genius???

That's LORD Andrew Lloyd Webber!

His sister is retarded, so it's okay.

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus Cameras are full of meat!

Pretty sure David DeCoteau's entire business model revolves around using super low budget "regular" movies as a farm to transition hot young dudes into his adult movies.

"Dan Harmon, maybe you and Chevy Chase deserve each other."

Absolute insanity to realize not a single cast member on this show has won an Emmy for it. How is this possible?

I've finished it! And I know at least a couple others on here have. I can understand people stopping after 100 or 200 pages, but I can't imagine making it all the way through the Eschaton section and then giving up. It's like the Proteus chapter of Ulysses.

"No way a professional crew commits a bunch of robberies in the same city, much less where they live, and much, much, MUCH less when they know for damn certain the cops are all over them."

I went to see it opening night with a group of friends and it was one of the most fun movie experiences of my life. There were these 2 high school girls sitting behind us that I guess were just there for a cheesy horror movie and didn't understand all the "meta" stuff. We were all laughing hysterically at the

Before reading the article, I was in the middle of the previous episode where they spend 30 minutes discussing eating poop. And he's discussed rape and "rape culture" thoughtfully on more than one episode. It's just so insane to feel like part of this subculture then to suddenly see so many people viciously attacking

@Affrosponge88:disqus Sorry I maybe went overboard with my response. It's just I spent an hour reading all these comments in the Newswire article  saying Dan Harmon is an asshole and a monster and season 3 sucked (from people who have never listened to a single Harmontown) and I wanted to come back to the warm embrace

"Don't talk about rape"
I think the fact that an adult male political candidate legitimately thought that rapes can't result in pregnancy is a sign that maybe we're not talking about rape enough.

@Affrosponge88:disqus I still think you're vastly undervaluing it.