
Regardless of the reason for the character's behavior, Pacino was truly ape-shit and hammy in his performance

This wasn't an interview. This was a podcast in front of a live audience where he was exaggerating his pain and suffering for comedic effect.

Don't listen to @Affrosponge88:disqus. At the very least, Slacker was hugely influential in its day and stands as an essential artifact of (truly) independent cinema of the 80s and 90s, and it remains a strange, singular experience. I don't think anyone would argue that it's perfect (it's almost by definition the

"From the transcript I read"

Something else that probably won't get reported on and that people don't know if they don't regularly listen to Harmontown or read Dan Harmon's tumblr: he is fantastic at apologizing and recognizing when an apology is called for.

Seems like such an bizarre complaint. Any time something is set in the past, there are bound to be anachronisms (and people looking for them and pointing them out). Heat is now basically a totally accurate 90s period piece. I don't know why it would be better as a fairly accurate 80s period piece made in the 90s. Do

***SPOILER ALERT FOR AN 18 YEAR OLD MOVIE***I don't think I realized the 1st time I saw it how ballsy it is that Kilmer gets away in the end (granted, without his lady and with a couple of awful bullet wounds) after blowing away a SHITLOAD of cops.

"(along with Scent of a Woman and Devil's Advocate) truly ape-shit hammy performances"

I haven't seen it since it came out, but I remember it being fantastic but then completely falling apart in the last 20 minutes, Danny Boyle-style.

Is this the plot of that musical?

To be fair, after the Great Chevy Debacle of 2012, Harmon should be aware it's entirely possible for the anything he says at Meltdown Comics to end up in entertainment news.

His Oscar was the only win for Goodfellas!

He's a mensch. His podcast is hilarious and heartfelt. This goes hand-in-hand with his (likely serious, psychological, and, by his own admission, often problematic) difficulty at "filtering" what he says.

"both were completely snubbed at the Oscars"

"We can "like" our own posts now."

I watched it a few months ago after not having seen it since the 90s and was mildly surprised that it doesn't just hold up, it's a full-blown masterpiece. Mike's "tv season" comparison is spot on- looking at it now, more than anything it feels like a season of The Wire (minus the drug trade and overt social

I had fun writing it!

How's Much Ado About Nothing doing? That's what I saw this weekend. (And it was great.)