
"I was primed for some kind of mind-blowing twist"

Recent notes:

Sounds legit.

@avclub-e74588bd5b5ee91572458946f383c38b:disqus Just read the other thread. Virtually every public access or UHF station that had original programming in the 70s and 80s had some version of nerdy dudes making fun of public-domain b-movies. You may be aware that's how the MST3K crew got their start. No one is more

@zebbart:disqus  "Prodigalsam also openly acknowledged his influences."

I think the Stones were pretty open and honest about their early influences. As for Zeppelin, try poking around the internet and you'll find no shortage of people who thought they were rip-off artists who gave no credit or recognition to the people whose riffs they were "borrowing," nor even acknowledged they were

@avclub-e26bcecfb5a5a3931aa2efe1179b6898:disqus Get bent.

I don't know that I read Oswalt's original defense, but I think the majority of comedians weren't defending the "rape threat" itself, but were chastising the heckler who he was attacking, which Oswalt basically reiterates here.

Oh shit! I was told The Taco Bell bell had been banned.

Tosh's infamous rape joke/heckler attack was what skyrocketed the whole topic into the public consciousness recently, so he kind of had to mention it. I don't think he's ever tried to argue that Tosh is funny or worth listening to, but that as a comedian testing out his own material, regardless of his talent, no topic

There's a whole thread about this up higher. Lots of good points made, but I think @avclub-199062bd87cd3b5aac5f6fb4204db2b4:disqus said it best: "Note to kids of the 80's and 90's, that shit existed WAY, WAY before MST3K."

Or Oswalt's, even.

Pretty bizarre how that's been a major theme in 2 vastly different shows premiering so close together (Arrested Development season 4 being the other in case anyone hasn't seen that).

You try it first!

He just won an award for it, even.

After the whole thing erupted, even though he still never really admitted to outright theft, he tweeted something to the effect of "I'm going to make extra sure every tweet is 100% original, so expect to see a lot more repeats."

I believe The Drifters was one of those bands that had multiple concurrently touring acts with one original member all billing themselves as "The (Original) Drifters"

What sucks is, as Oswalt pointed out in this article, even though he quit Twitter, his 100k+ followers landed him a (lucrative?) book deal and public speaking gigs.

"The reality is that Soros and the Kochs see eye-to-eye on a ton of
important issues like: marriage equality, the war on drugs, immigration,

Without clicking on the link yet, I'm assuming he discusses the recent kerfuffle with "prodigal sam" on twitter. Anyone else follow that craziness?