
I like this the best.

Yeah, that was pretty great.

I think it's not any specific stance that's troubling (though they have plenty that are); it's that their main goal has been to use financial clout to control all political discourse and in some cases flat-out buy politicians, and they've been shockingly successful at it. They've done more than almost anyone in the

A Burton/Depp/HBC remake of Young Frankenstein (maybe of the stage musical) sadly sounds not only possible, but almost certain at some point.

It's certainly a mouthful!

Yeah, it seems to be one of those movies that's ALWAYS at the public library.

"it's like he's disgusted with whoever is taking the picture."

30 Rock pretty quickly grew into its own unique show, but if you watched it when it premiered, just months after the last episode of AD aired, it really seemed like the first show to clearly ape AD's style (and Larry Sanders in almost equal measure)- a cartoonishly exaggerated world shot in an almost cinema verite

Really? I've only seen those 2 films by them and I thought Rosetta was really good but L'Enfant was a flat out masterpiece.

SPOILERS, I guess.

With endless options for renewal!

If you're enjoying it now, it really just keeps getting better and better.

I think when My So-Called Life originally aired, it was unique and groundbreaking for such a realistic, down-to-earth show about high school to air in primetime television. Then Freaks and Geeks aired and made My So-Called Life look like a melodramatic soap opera.

I think I mentioned this is the last review, but ABC has had a really weird thing with terrible titles in the last few years.

Yep, I mentioned this in the comments a couple weeks ago- the only way I found out they were expiring was through the reviews on here, which left me a weekend to watch all the unaired episodes.

Everything ABC did with this show was a complete disaster.

"Community is the fourth, and who knows what that will be."


Does it have a name yet?

"Luckily Veronica Mars is getting a movie."