

Exactly. It's creepy how blatantly they tried to appeal to people's most barbaric instincts.

Yeah, you'd think it's a very black and white issue, but there are many reports (and a not-bad novel by Russell Banks called Lost Memory of Skin) about just how ambiguous many of those cases were and just how many were clear cases of entrapment edited to look more damning after the fact.

Obviously there's some confusion about this gag.

"I had never considered that Mr. Popeil was supposed to sound like B-52's"

It seems it was around the time A.A. Dowd became the new film editor. Dowd got a proper big introduction in the Newswire, while I.V. did not, so I'm assuming maybe he's freelancing and not a full-time staff member? Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed he's been a commenter on here for awhile.

You are 100% wrong about that.

There's that, and there's also the whole "let's pelt the criminal in the pillory with rotten vegetables" aspect of it, the questionable legality of the whole concept, that they were passing off what frequently amounted to entrapment as fun entertainment, and that one of the guys caught (or was there more than one?)

Yeah, it's a good one.

@spinachleaf:disqus Didn't think it was worth responding to your trolling/desperate pleas for attention, but this definitely deserves a huge "WTF?"

Yes, it was cartoonishly stereotypical and offensive, just like the show's depictions of Latinos, British people, gays, hippies, lawyers, cops, politicians, political activists, rich people, magicians, movie producers, real estate agents, drug addicts, analrapists, etc, etc, etc…

This makes me really sad.

There's a TON of that stuff in the background. You can drive yourself insane if you start looking for it.

I believe the "geeks" were actually underage, which meant there were restrictions against them working overtime or into the night. This episode was likely filmed in the summer while The Garage Door (where there is a fair amount of outdoor nighttime footage) was likely filmed in winter, when it was dark earlier.

It's crazy, I'd say not only was season 4 not as good as seasons 1-3 at it's best, most episodes weren't even as good as 1-3 at it's worst. But that says more about just how spectacular this show was in seasons 1-3, even at the weakest points of season 3. Season 4 was still better than almost every other sitcom that

I was wondering why was it full of Mike's Hard Lemonade? I assumed it was related to being a "bait house" but isn't the predator the one who typically supplies the hard lemonade? Is the crew of the show supposed to be stashing all the confiscated packs in the cupboard, like a twist on a hunter's wall of mounted heads?

I agree except I think the 2nd ep is kind of weak. In fact, I'd say it's perilously close to a Star Trek style pattern where the odd numbered episodes are the standouts until the last 4 which are all pretty great.

@persia2:disqus Well, we've never met Tobias' parents or siblings. Lots of people are attracted to what they're used to, so it's entirely plausible the Funkes are just as terrible and insane as the Bluths.

“I had to duck a woman’s pump and a mini pizza.”

@avclub-f6d4ade4609103f91eb96ba112158dff:disqus  Okay then. Your hilariously ironic lack of self-awareness is bordering Dick Cheney/Tobias Funke levels. And the way you seem to constantly miss the forest for the trees, I'm guessing you're "on the spectrum."