Isaac Yankem DDS

Not much more to it, unfortunately.  The Irish are mostly dicks because the plot calls for them to be dicks.

At this pace, SAMCRO will wind up like Homer Simpson's biker gang, recruiting random middle-aged dudes who show up on their riding mowers.

Given the title, this seems appropriate, although maybe too on the nose:

If I were the club's lawyer, having seen how the kinds of trouble these people get into, I might be hesitant to help Tara make her moves.  Definitely bad for client relations, and probably bad for staying out of a shallow grave.

When Toric is watching Clay and Gemma, he recites Shakespeare's sonnet 116.

I just hope the show ends before Sutter, running out of ways to shock us, finally says "fuck it" and has Jax and Gemma get down.

Next week he shows up in one of those pilgrim hats with the buckle.  When someone points out that he's way early for Thanksgiving, we find out that Chibs has never heard of it.

I don't understand why Happy's not the club president by now.  He's apparently killed a ton of guys without getting locked up forever, which makes him look smarter than all his buddies who can't seem to stay out.  Plus he has no family bullshit, because he has never spoken to anyone outside the club

Despite his fabulous wealth, school must be tough for Gordon's kid.  He has a serious case of "punch-me-in-the-face-right-now" face.  If I had to rank the faces in that photo to punch (and if I were the kind of person who punches children), it would go:

I always like to imagine that the kid doesn't have AIDS.  Not because I care if the character has AIDS, but because that would be a hilarious prank to pull on a little kid.

I'd think Yakety Sax would be worth a B- at least.

That title might have been a misstep.  Even having read the review, I still suspect that, if I go to the theater, I'll be faced with a disaster movie spoof involving Marlon Wayans.

The '90s hit "Lullaby" was almost entirely whispered, but I found it less weird, and more irritating.

I cannot comprehend how Gymkata could have come from a group of adults who were trying.  Yet its unflinching earnestness suggests that that's exactly what happened.  That this movie can exist is the shittiest and most miraculous of all the shitty miracles.

Of course, by the time I'm free to enjoy myself again, years of stressful work will have ravaged my body, and I'll probably have a massive aneurysm after my first bong rip as a free man.

I  get through the day by holding out hope that it will be worthwhile again sometime after 50, once the mortgage is paid, my kid's self-sufficient, and I can go back to smoking weed and fapping all day.

I have to believe that, at some point (I'm thinking circa the morning TV meltdown), Chris Brown moved from "genuine asshole" to "troll."

"A step above puns and limericks" = The funniest thing ever.

Soderbergh can steal it for free, and if you make any noise about it, he'll just shoot up your car.  But then you'll find out that he's only shooting your car as a diversion for a bank robbery, and then [HAS ANEURYSM]

Soderbergh can steal it for free, and if you make any noise about it, he'll just shoot up your car.  But then you'll find out that he's only shooting your car as a diversion for a bank robbery, and then [HAS ANEURYSM]