
I've never followed this (or any, really) strip regularly. But I'll admit that I did laugh occasionally, partially because Anderson did a nice job of putting the goofy personality of Great Danes on the page. RIP.

Bianculli doesn't always love stuff. Things he disliked (pulled from memory and Rotten Tomatoes): The Comedians; Madam Secretary; the Rosemary's Baby remake; The Comeback; The Tudors. And, uh, the Ghost Whisperer. I also remember him not liking the first season of Game of Thrones, though he eventually warmed to it.

Definitely. I've taught it to a number of non-gamers, and most of the time they enjoy it. Granted, they've all been people I thought could handle it. 7 Wonders *can* be used as a gateway game, but can still trip some people up.

I would gladly read a Wun Wun POV chapter.

Me too, Nick!

I've only played previous editions casually, so I never had a go-to class. I made an abjuration wizard for the previous AL season and got him up to level six; I really, really enjoyed playing him. I'll pull him out more once the higher tier stuff becomes available.

I cut my RPG teeth on West End Games' Star Wars and Shadowrun 2nd Ed, so the latter (and the 3rd) will always be the version of SR I like. I've played plenty of 4th and 5th edition, which improve upon the earlier versions in some ways, but…something is missing, and I can't figure out what. I love the setting though.

It wasn't a completely weird album per se, but that Urge Overkill's Exit the Dragon was released by a major still shocks me. Their previous, Saturation, was a glossy, catchy arena power pop record that sold well. Exit was a bleak and dark portrait of a band imploding, and it's sound—scuzzy off-kilter guitar pop piped

I'm pretty sure it was partially because his mom was ill. (I could totally be wrong, but I think she passed away earlier this year?) I have a friend who is from Lincoln, though, and said it's a pretty cool place to live.

Oh man, yeah. That's my favorite tune on the album, and Lloyd's guitar work is jaw-dropping.

Kimi Ga Suki is pretty close to a great record. Heck, it IS a great record, probably the only totally solid non-collaborative album he's released since 1999.

Oh yeah, what a great tune. Ivan Julian's lead guitar part always blows me away on that tune.

This was the first CD I ever purchased (first cassette goes to, ahem, Sting's Ten Summoner's Tales). I still have it, and it's basically just a coaster because of how many times I've played it. Not that I need it at this point; the album, note for note, is burned in my memory. 100% Fun not only got me into power pop

It really is. Sweet is a really underrated bass player, too. I basically learned the instrument because of him, and I'm always surprised at how fluid his lines are.

Someone beat you to this a while ago.

I guess I'm biased, since I've been a fan since '95, but I feel like I see lots of bands (mostly indie, but also some bigger ones) mention them as an influence.

Hey now, there are plenty of rude clowns in Pittsburgh (like myself) who love this show.

He's said in interviews that it's easier and cheaper for him to just bang out tunes like this. (And yeah, I generally agree with you.)

Nice work! It took me forever to beat the first quest, and Journey Along the Anduin was a much bigger difficulty jump than I anticipated. That said, it's definitely doable with the core set. If you have trouble solo, give playing two-handed a try. Build two decks and play as if you were two people…just don't talk to

Completely missed this 'til now. There is (sort of) a digital version, but it only works on PC. It's through a free open source platform called OCTGN. It requires some major tweaking, as in you have to download image packs and search for lots of files, but it's worth it in the end. Pretty easy to find people to play