Face-Ripper Monkey

"Rarely has a show fit so much what-the-fuck in one hour."
Fucking A right as to that. I actually wondered right toward the end if I was having a surreal dream. (Happens sometimes with me - I'll dream I'm watching a show but things will be mad cockeyed. And then I wake up and think "yeah, of course that was a dream.

Interesting review, and on the nose, I think. I can't figure out why I keep watching this show. But that sort of makes sense when one considers that the writers do not seem to have figured out how to make you WANT to watch a show.

Fucking-A right, chalk up another to Anna Gunn and her absurd inability to do much of anything acting-wise. This was true even before the grotesque plastic surgery disaster she inflicted on herself roundabout the season 3-4 break. Even more so now.

I guess my overall point would be that the cartels pretty much assume the absolute worst and that they would be in for drone missile/waterboarding/Guantanamo treatment if they started spreading violence north of the border.

That Florida grifter/hick dude is flat-out AWESOME. I love this show as is, but would watch a show solely about that guy and his escapades.

I must say, Trixie from Deadwood's fake Boston accent reached new levels of ridiculousness in this one.

I think if they ran with the standard "anti-hero crime drama" playbook with a bit of a tighter focus on Ray and his two assistants running their little Mr. Wolf business the quality of the actors would make this more watchable. They'd need to dump the crude anti-semitic lawyer caricature guy pronto, I think, but

Good christ - thanks a bunch Aaron Sorkin you twat. Take issues with which I agree 100% (i.e. the insipid blend of evil and stupidity that is the US "Right") and present the "other" side in a such a smug, condescending, and pretentious way that it ALMOST makes me understand why people vote Republican.

I get the feeling that at some point in time a show about a "hero" who is happy with his family, faithful to his wife, etc will become the new "anti-hero" genre. Oooooh, FX, how edgy! Main character does dangerous and dramatic things and then comes home for a nice evening with the Missus!

I'd be curious to know how Skyler had a baby, immediately lost 30 pounds, gained about a hundred, lost about 30 and now to appearances has lost about 80 more - AND had hideous plastic surgery done to her. All within about 2 months of "show time."

Uhhhhh…. lawyer/witness at a deposition shit? Check.
Every single character talks exactly like Aaron Sorkin? Check.

Holy crap, just as I was ready to utterly write off this show, I actually found this episode to be somewhat interesting. Maybe not up to the standards of a truly "good" show, but definitely moving it ahead of "organise spreadsheet of shit I need to work on Monday" on the priorities list.

Ha ha, indeed!

And too few that seem to have any purpose other than personifying stereotypes and/or being off-brand knockoffs of well-known past TV characters. (The Ari Gold/caricature of a Jewish lawyer coming immediately to mind.)

Good god, only 26 comments on this a day later? I guess everyone else is as disinterested in this show as I am.

You mean Paula Malcolmson's Belfast/Northern Irish accent on Sons of Anarchy?

Particularly to the extent that the essay focused upon the DIRECTORIAL aspects of this scene. The repetition several times over in sequence of bell rings/camera on Tony/camera then from Tony's POV. But at the very end you have bell rings/camera on Tony/blackness.

Particularly to the extent that the essay focused upon the DIRECTORIAL aspects of this scene. The repetition several times over in sequence of bell rings/camera on Tony/camera then from Tony's POV. But at the very end you have bell rings/camera on Tony/blackness.

Treme is bringing these old jazz legends "back into the spotlight?"

Treme is bringing these old jazz legends "back into the spotlight?"