
Now cut in the scenes of Sally Draper running to the same museum somewhere in the middle and you have a trifurcation of the narrative


Oh, cool. Don't watch that. Is there a real best friend too or?

I don't know what about my tone comes off as "all-fired upset", but I can assure I am reasoned and measured. I do not care that you don't want to see this movie. I don't particularly want to see this movie.
I understand intellectually and am very sympathetic to the systemic and society prejudices that historically

I am simply trying to understand both your problem and solution as you have yet to explain either adequately yet. Is it that there is no circumstance when a mentally ill person may be portrayed as a murderer? Is it that the rate at which mentally ill persons are portrayed as murderers must match the real life rate of

What I am hearing is that you enjoy watching murder and violence as long as a specific subgroup of people are not the ones doing the killing because you have a tie to that group. It is more a personal issue than a societal problem then.

But if you are looking to watch horror movies and not have the person committing the murders be mentally ill, I agree you might have a bit of a harder time, although I think it depends on if you include sociopaths among the mentally ill. Since horror movies often portray extraordinary levels of depravity and violence,

Because if you want to watch movies in which mentally ill people are not portrayed as murderers, I think there are plenty of options for you available, especially in the indie film genre. There you can watch stunningly deep portrayals of the mentally ill navigating the minefield of everyday life with deft and grace.

I understand you are speaking in hyperbole, so I won't 'well actually' you there, but are you saying that every portrayal of a mentally ill person in film has him/her as a murderer or every portrayal of murder in a film is committed by a mentally ill person?

So who are the appropriate people to play murderers?

Buzz, your opinions, woof

But there are smaller and larger piles of it.
Reminds me of Jumanji…"A little rain never hurt anyone" "Yeah, but a lot can kill you"

I don't think it's the fact that you called Clinton "basically evil" but that you are in essence calling Trump and Clintion equally evil.

Cool, thanks

Three was recently a between two ferns-style interview featuring some lady and a man (very similar to this), but had multiple ferns. Would recommend.

Watched the whole thing…saw no ferns.

(Photo: Black Mirror/Netflix)

You do realize these are fictional characters, right? The commenter likely doesn't want anyone to actually die, but merely a fictional character to suffer a fictional death.

I don't quite get how hollywood folks making movies about historically significant racial events is the same as them "seemingly feel[ing] compelled to remind viewers not only that racism is bad, but that it is on the side of righteousness."
I haven't seen the movie, but does Hollywood somehow save the day?

Dear god that was terrible. I opened the link in another tab to check it out later, left this page and came back here just to save anyone who might read the comments the absolute horror of having to listen to a single second of that. I need to lie down, that made my brain bleed a bit.