
I possess the amazing ability to make every music video musicless by watching it without headphones on.

I would suggest something closer to "There's a video of stuff melting, if you're into that sorta thing. I know I am."
This headline sounded much more a declarative statement of fact than an editor's attitude, which can create a 'boy who cried wolf' kind of effect on the reader, so when I see the next headline that

Yes, people take a weird pride in liking things that have no business being liked.
"I watched 14 straight hours of a guy painting his house, it was the most amazing experience of my life"

Not everything vaguely interesting is "amazing" or "oddly satisfying"…this is one of those times where it is simply vaguely interesting and mostly boring.

I discovered George Saunders this past year and recently flew through Pastoralia and am in the midst of In Persuasion Nation. Before that was a revisit to Updike with the Witches of Eastwick and next up will be Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell followed by Watchmen.

A bit late in reply, but I'm don't think you really know what you are on about. Yes, wholesome. The lyrics are not vulgar or suggestive, they are melodic and nostalgic. The emotions are conveyed are not ones of lust and greed, but of love and longing. Her last album, 21, was mostly dealing with a break up and her

This is the place where we hate everything mainstream and wholesome, huh…How long do we have to wait to like mainstream stuff because it has transformed into nostalgic stuff? 20 years?

Is this thing on? Maybe I'm not in the right place, but I like Adele. Yeah, I'll just show myself out.

It's not just him, but an entire country full of people call it petrol! Crazy I know, different words for the same thing, who'd have thought.
Also, you know you were watching fiction right, so maybe not everything has to be entirely believable. Show about believable real life events would be incredibly boring and no

Seems like the easiest solution is to just not voluntarily tune your television set to the channel at the air time of this program. Then you can keep your money and still not see it! Win Win!

Any time you can close your set mentioning Rin Tin Tin, you gotta do it

He really tried to get in at the 23-second mark, but was just too slow

I was going to say the same thing, but went with taking umbridge at the "cult novel" part and the "this generation's American Psycho" part instead. Lots to be annoyed about with this trailer

"From the cult novel by John Niven"
Is that their way of saying a book that a didn't sell well and didn't receive much critical acclaim, but we liked it!?
Also, why can't American Psycho just be this generations American Psycho…have all the copies been destroyed so no one can watch it anymore?

I have to work the weekend? I was just kinda hoping that other people would do it.
You know what, since by definition only one thing can be the greatest of all time, I'm just going to go ahead and say that no one ever call anything the greatest of all time. That way we'll only be wrong once and right every other time

I guess as long as someone is working on it, that's all I can ask. You can start with the chocolate commercial referenced here as the greatest of all time since it was really dumb and clearly not the greatest anything of any time.

Swell? Or is that just a retro version of nice? Splendid? That might be closer to 8, 8.5 though…I'm at a loss for word

I know it's all the rage to declare things that are bad, kitschy, weird as the greatest things ever because the internet loves hyperbole and everyone wants to be in on the joke, but could we please stop? How about things that are actually great being called great, that'd be nice.

Like if you didn't understand anything written above

Is it certain that Don went back to make the commercial? My initial reaction was that it was a juxtaposition. That Don finally found peace by giving up Coca-Cola, not by packaging false promises found in advertising. Coke promises peace and harmony though buying their product, but it was only in letting go of all that