Mr. B

The Third, my dear boy!

When I was a kid, we would watch Spaceballs, immediately rewind the tape, and watch it again. So I have also watched Spaceballs twice - many, many times.

What's up with her line delivery? Really odd.

The Iron Fuck-Swing?

Nice! It's just like the wristwatches real medieval warriors wore!

I don't know, John Hughes-era James Spader had gorgeous locks, and he was pretty damn evil. I mean, he wasn't actually killing people, but he was just such a dick.

Their flagship store could be in Red Hook.

How else could they have a Cheesecake Section, a Burger Section, a Pizza Section, and a Thai Cuisine Section? Specialization is for insects!

It's a casserole containing layers of mutton and gruel.

You know what your mom and I used to do in the backyard?

Are you angry, brother?

They hate him for his freedoms!

He'd actually have to lay it on a lot thicker to play Menino.

Somalian Pirates We!

Wings is fucking terrible, but Paul McCartney is brilliant.


Someone needs to that. Also, someone needs to do an animated web series or a webcomic or something about Rollins' and Ian MacKaye's days working together at the Georgetown Hagen Dazs in the 80s - just scooping ice cream and being really, really intense together.

"And don't Sabotage my sandwich by putting pickles on it or some shit."

Kids will be so excited that they won't be able to sleep until they get there.

But you don't really mean "Fuck Brooklyn", right? Just a small part of it. Because usually when people talk about "Brooklyn" these days, they're actually talking about a very small portion of Brooklyn - like a few neighborhoods.