Mr. B

And Yog Sothoth on keys!

All I can say is there better be motorcycle katana fights.

"Shyamalanian". Nice. I'm going to have to try to find a way to use that in a sentence.

1. "Are you so gullible that you actually believe a bunch of Saudis with boxcutters pulled off 9/11? Come on."

Pearlman looks like an extra from The Matrix Reloaded in that clip, but yeah, this looks awesome.

"Zombies scare you, don't they? They scare me. All you gotta do is fuck up, just once, and you get eaten by zombies. Be a little slow, be a little late, and you get eaten by zombies. And how you gonna never be slow; never be late? You can't plan for this zombie apocalypse shit - it's life.

Damned Scots - They ruined Scotland!

Wait, wait, don't tell me…I can guess which impression you're doing..hmm…got it! You're pretending to be one of those MRA Manosphere dudes, right? Nice!

You don't know how it feels
you don't know how it feels
you don't know how it feels…
to be meeeeeeeee

SPOILER: During the film's climactic final fight scene aboard the boat in a rainstorm, McCoughnahey's character kisses the villain upside the cranium with an aluminium baseball bat (his name is Mud).


Yeah, this reminds of direct-to-DVD crap like "Carlito's Way : Rise to Power". Wouldn't have been good.

Oddly, the headline for the AV Club review of Mud also refers to "Matthew McConaughey's winning streak" continuing. Maybe this is an inside joke among AV Club writers?

D? Oh man, that's harsh Rabin. Right now the Statue of Liberty is shedding a single tear as a giant American flag waves in slow motion while an electric guitar wails mournfully in the background. In my heart.

Trying hard at stuff is lame.

Hey - what's in your craw, punk?

Whoah, what the fuck - she offered you beer money? She only offered me hugs and high fives!

She's just the worst.

"It's because he gets results, you stupid chief!"