Mr. B

"This spotted dick's right dodgy, you cunt, innit?"

"This spotted dick's right dodgy, you cunt, innit?"

Aw, hail naw!

Aw, hail naw!

Yeah, but you can just tell the New York Post is saying "black actor" in that snide tone, you know?

Yeah, but you can just tell the New York Post is saying "black actor" in that snide tone, you know?

Danny Glover, doi

Danny Glover, doi

Great song. It's never explicitly stated, but it has this ironic tone that makes it kind of sinister - I've always interpreted it to imply that the narrator is involved in his girlfriend ending up in a coma. Particularly the "let me whisper my last goodbyes" line. What does he actually whisper in her ear?

Great song. It's never explicitly stated, but it has this ironic tone that makes it kind of sinister - I've always interpreted it to imply that the narrator is involved in his girlfriend ending up in a coma. Particularly the "let me whisper my last goodbyes" line. What does he actually whisper in her ear?

No way - It's an open secret in the Catholic community, the dude simply loves to munch box, the sloppier the better - lives for it.

Ah, so if this is a revival, it should feature crappier,watered-down, less impressive parkour, right?

wtf is parkour lol

Please, Dude, I want some more.

What the fuck? Seriously, what coked-up Hollywood executive has suddenly decided that parkour is the "of the moment" cool thing, in 2012? It's like making a heist movie featuring thieves on roller blades, in 2002.

Yeah, and also, I hate, HATE, the production style of Gangland - it ruins what could be an interesting show for me. Super sensationalized, with cheesy narration, and those stupid cuts with the screaming noise - so lame.
Hopefully this will take a different approach.

"Listen, and understand - the bland handsome lugs are out there! They cannot be bargained with. They cannot be reasoned with. They don't know how to convey charisma, or emotion, or humor. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are bored!"

Oooh, that sounds fancy!

Word Come on Amarth - In the interview, Sutter talks about walking a thin line between vilifying and glorifying these guys, but he leaped way over the line to the "glorify" side when he made SOA into baby-rescuing, IRA-batling bikers-with-hearts-of-gold who may be tough, but are big softies around their kids.

Seems like this material has already been done to death: History Channel's got Gangland, BBC did Ross Kemp on Gangs, Nat. Geo. has done Inside MS13, Hell's Angel's, etc., plus myriad one-off tv docs about Crips, Bloods, various biker gangs, Aryan Brotherhood, etc. All of these shows feature interviews with those who