Mr. B

They are - there's one in DC that serves fish & chips, and also bulgogi. Seriously.

Like "Bullitt"? It's a classic movie, but come on.

They're the same person!

Really? Doesn't seem that weird to me…I thought every high school or college had that dude

I guess cool guys DO look at explosions.

Ably played by Shia LaBeouf!

And I thought I was going to have to look elsewhere for my fix of prison rape jokes! Dunk-Dunk!

Crustaceans, which are arthropods. (pushes glasses up on nose)

This will piss them off even more than the Lorax did!

So appreciating a black artist, praising them as a genius, and buying their records (you know, because people still bought records back when Miseducation came out) equals "us all trying to take everything". That's inane.

"Filler" by Minor Threat. Actually, pretty much the whole Minor Threat catalog.

Let's ask her. Better call Michael Cera in for that meeting while we're at it.

He can play the grumpy chief who can't stand Steve Vai's reckless techniques but tolerates him because, damnit, he gets results

Stormtroopers are Real Imperials. Not like those space-latte drinking, Space Times-reading, Space Prius-driving, space-effete, soft-on-Galactic-rebellion Space Liberals in Coruscant!

Maybe next he'll tell anyone who's offended to "grow up". I always love it when people (Anne Coulter is a good example) do that.

A unique and special boner?

Johnny Depp, too.

Do you find it…risible ..when I say…the name…Akbar Zeb?!!

"Fellow tech entrepreneur"? What?

Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all…nothing at all…nothing at all!