Mr. B

Oh shit! Forgot he was in that! Has AV club done anything about that movie? Such a weird, quirky horror film. I like it.

Which is cool because that's exactly what the reaction from a modern "gunfighter" would be. I'm no expert, but I've noticed in previous seasons (where Raylan's shooting a lot of people) that the show's gunplay seems fairly realistic - they must have a shooting consultant. Raylan's style doesn't seem to be a flashy

It almost makes me feel better about the constant pig-butchering scenes. It's like they were dragging out the Chekov's gun thing to the point of absurdity, until you don't really expect anything to happen with the knives, and then SLICE! Holy shit!

"Boris"! Why always "Boris"?

He shoulda armed himself.

I think it's a regionalism. I've only heard it on Justified and in the documentary Harlan County, USA, where the strikers repeatedly refer to the coal company security men as "gun thugs".

Wait, does this mean you're going to skip over Life's Rich Pageant and Document? I love those albums. LRP seems to get overlooked in favor of their other albums, but I think it's great.

More like, Ben Kingsley will probably play a bald guy in Iron Man 3, amirite?

In addition to the Hetfield thing and the cowboy thing, I always sort of think of that look as the firefighter mustache. I see lots of firefighters rocking that look non-ironically, for some reason.

Wait, that's not James Hetfield?

"Do it or don't, but I got someplace to be." That's his first scene, right?

With special guest Tim Robbins.

Separate issues for separate documentaries. This one's specifically about childhood bullying, not about an unfair criminal justice system. Nothing wrong with focusing on that one issue.

Have you met his wife? Her name is…Incontinentia….Incontinentia Buttocks!

Swift and decisive violence is all that will make a bully back off in my opinion. (Not talking about school shootings or anything, just putting someone on the ground.) Unfortunately, I don't think you can teach your kids this, because in the real world they would suffer legal consequences or consequences from the

To be fair, he's a pretty mild example of a name-related credibility problem on a site featuring one "Shit McFuckenstein". And isn't there also a "Snidely Q. Douchebaghe" or something like that?

Huh, which Auster novel is that? Martin Amis did a very similar thing *SPOILER* with his take on the mystery genre, "Night Train". It's about an apparent suicide that can't possibly be a suicide, so it's investigated as a murder, but then it turns out to be a suicide.

Oh, and I almost forgot, since we're talking about Jack Ryan….GIVE ME BACK MY FAMILY!!!

That's cool, I guess, but what would be really cool would be if David Mamet directed one of these. Or one of the Bourne movies. I really enjoyed Spartan, so it would be cool to see his take on an established spy franchise

Yeah, "holler" (hollow) is an Appalachian term for a valley in the mountains, so I'm picturing a road that goes across a bridge and dead-ends in a valley with mountains on 3 sides.