Mr. B

Yeah, I'm actually surprised that Raylan hasn't picked up on that. I believe (and maybe someone with real LEO/military experience can chime in here) that highly trained lawmen like the Marshals service are trained to spot "tells" that give away a concealed weapon - a lopsided walk, guarding one side of your body, etc.

Yeah, that's what I thought - Papillon. Unless they thought he resembled Dustin Hoffman

Limehouse is still the weak point of the season for me. I just don't find him to be that interesting, and he's not as intimidating as the writers want him to be, even though they keep trying to drive home his scariness, again and again and again.

I know, right? But they did have a point.

God, these guys sucked.

Spaghetti and milk. In the bath.

Don't forget the prison rape jokes/threats! It's got those going for it too.

So how did the ability to pontificate at length about bullshit pop evolutionary psychology come about? What's the evolutionary story behind that? Or does it just come from a lot of time on the internet?

I'ma rub yo ass in the moonshine!

He and Michael Fassbender should be in a movie together and have a handsome-off. "Hamm. Fassbender. Two of our generation's most explosively handsome actors. On screen together for the first time."  It would be like the diner scene from Heat, but with more Handsome.                

That is a great freakin' trailer.

"Whatchy'all aliens want? To lay eggs down my throat and burst out of my chest? Huh? Is that it?!"

She's totally in my face; she's just like, "yeah it's my middle finger…deal with it!"

In addition to the hair, I've been noticing Boyd's general dapperness lately: dark jeans, slim button-up shirts (buttoned all the way up), and a peacoat. It's a pretty slick, urban look. Do people really dress like that in rural Kentucky? I guess maybe it's Boyd's way of setting himself apart; his version of gangster

That picture is hilarious. Did anyone watch the 24 : Redemption tv movie? It was about Jack Bauer atoning for his guilt over torturing all those people by saving child soldiers in Africa, or some shit.

Dammit, that's only enough time to torture…let me see…four people, if my math is correct


drowning his sorrows…

Will Blomquist pause to pour himself his seventh cup of coffee that day? 
Will the next woman Blomquist meets choose to jump into bed with him five minutes later? (sexy, sexy, middle-aged financial journalist that he is)?SPOILERCould the character played by Stellan Skarsgard, for chrissake, the creepiest guy to come

One of these days I've got to read Dr. Sax - has anyone read this? It definitely sounds like a departure from his usual autobiographical traveling stories - sounds like more of a whacked-out fantasy story.