Mr. B

On a related note, does anyone remember Madballs?

I don't remember "On the Road" having so much hugging.

Yeah, I'm surprised by the Kerouac hate too. Some of his stuff is really good. On the Road is pretty good, and I really liked Desolation Angels. Some commenters are acting like Kerouac is strictly a writer who people get into as part of a pretentious college phase that they are later embarrassed by. I don't think this

And he dragged a freaking ship over a freaking mountain in the jungle. Well, not single-handedly, but still.

Logoboros - That's always bothered me about SVU, which I sometimes watch as "guilty pleasure" television. And it's a common criticism of the show, to the point that they made an episode addressing it, where it comes back to bite Detective Benson in the ass. So I was like, "oh, at least they're aware of the problem -

Who let Bill Maher in here?

Aren't all chaps by definition assless?

Fellow Eagle Scout here (word to your mother), and I've got to agree. I had a great time in Boy Scouts -mostly the outdoor stuff: backpacking, canoeing, and so on - but man, there were some obnoxious kids in that organization. And there's all the paramilitary stuff, and there's the refusal to accept gays or atheists,

God, that would be one ineffective paramilitary organization. We could barely get it together enough to set up tents properly, let alone organize into a competent death squad.

A good portion of our unsupervised time on camping trips was spent stick-fighting and playing with fire. This could make for some good scenes, like scouts using improvised bug-spray flamethrowers versus zombies.

Beat me to it - that part cracked me up

I used to dig this song - hadn't heard it in years, then it came on the radio in a coffee shop the other day. Sounds pretty dated now.For me, the most dated part isn't even Eddie's "underbite" singing style, it's that little breakdown with the heavy chords followed by the string bend:


Beat me to it! It's such a lazy, boring way of naming movies.

Yeah, the story, the math, and the "thin line between genius and madness" BS are silly, but I still enjoy Pi as an exercise in style and mood. Plus, it's got Hector.

Don't know if  you're male or female, but regardless, this article nicely captures the svengali-like powers of shitty DJs over the teenage heart:

Regardless of on what scale the Thugee Cult existed (and I've heard the "colonial fiction" arguments, as well as counter-arguments that the cult did indeed kill on a massive scale), Temple of Doom is racist as hell towards Indians. Monkey brains?!

God, how I love/hate that movie

Yo dawg, we heard you liked highly trained commando teams, so we put a Navy SEAL team in the bathroom!