The A.V. Club
The A.V. Club
I never bought that he was an outcast. "You know that handsome, skateboarding, brooding kid? What a total loser!"
Oh yeah? Well, the Jerk Store called; they're running out of you!
I can't wait for the mission where you have to write haunting, bitterly satirical poetry after all your friends die.
I kinda love the fact that these game companies are obviously using these segments are free advertising, but Conan's teardown job looks like it's going to backfire in the face of Square trying to pick up anybody but Final Fantasy diehards.
There will be a "Secrets of the Magicians Revealed"-type show breaking down how the dinosaur tail was placed in amber by Satanic Darwinists.
Liam Neeson's career took a weird turn.
It's all good.
How many times does he have to tell you? He doesn't think of you that way!
"We got a saying around here. Get used to it, Goldblum!"
They need to adapt a plausible dinosaur-related franchise, like one about a dino in sunglasses who plays guitar.
I hope they find fossil records dating from the last time a good Jurassic Park movie was made and recreate that.
Gahh…can't we round table this discussion for now?
I'm going to start using "Guy Ritchify" as a synonym for "Rastafy."
These puns honestly grail in comparison to our past work.
It's not like we have Uther things to do tonight.
I've Galahad it up to here with these pun threads.
Sad upvote:(
I was interested in playing the Stick of Truth but I haven't really watched the show since the first six or seven seasons. Would a lot of the humor still land or do you have to have familiarity with most of the later seasons?