
I'm still waiting for the sequel to Thus Spake Zarathusra, Look Who's Spaking Too.

Give me a huge taxpayer-funded bailout for my failing business!

But holding a cassette recorder up to the computer is still okay, right?

But will it have hallucinatory dream sequences with a forward-speaking little person???

Nights of Heaven

Now that I think about it, I've never seen Frank Stallone and Thomas Pynchon in the same room.

Well, if you had more than 10 items on express, she was kinda in the right.

Amour: Origins: Rise of the Memory Thief

Yep. That's definitely Don King's son.

It gives retail associates a much needed two-minute break from dealing with dipshits some days.

Target has express lines. I don't know about Walmart.

The ads for this show have been horrible. "White people rapping and using slang from the 90s LOL so funny."

NBC actually ordered 30 more episodes, but counted them as 9 so it could get in the express line.

To be out on your own?

Newstip: I just heard Rokulu Screen is streaming all odd-numbered episodes of Parker Lewis Can't Lose!

I would have guessed that.

It's disgusting that it's 2016 and vampires are still being targeted based on who they love.

It's easy. Just take the title of one of the shows or movies listed that would best function as the title of your autobiography and make that a comment.

Wait, something's wrong. I don't see the new season of Party Down listed. It's a mistake, right?

"The high-pitched, often bumbling Alpha served as comic relief on the original series" Thank God, because the dramatic tension was so consistently thick you could cut it with a Zord.