
"It's like the movie from Hell on acid on steroids!"

Man, Rob and Davis killed it in that one.

Quiet…you're embarrassing me in front of the other nerds!

Tom Bergeron: "Today was a good day. I didn't even have to use my…"

Damn your encyclopedic knowledge of television! Damn it to hell!

But who is hip-hop's Charles Nelson Reilly?

"Short, precise strokes…to…the violence, which is brutal…gains speed…trapping the audience in…your local video store/library."


See, America! See what your reckless tote bag hoarding has wrought!

***Pulls over car, murders Albert Brooks***

I'm still waiting for David Fincher's The Game: The Game

Put PantsGoblin in the iron maiden.

There's no need to get ticked off.

Wouldn't it be cheeky and probably awesome if they wrote the theme song for this? Make it happen, Britt Daniel!

I only knew her because she appeared on The Late Show once before, but she was very funny and quick-witted.

I agree (and wonder what the WGA has to say about it), but I have to think this was one of the mandated changes put in place when the show changed producers (i.e. more social media pandering).

Avatar/comment synergy achieved


If you still don't think guns are great, we'll argue some more

I love being a turtle!

Parenthetical citations or GTFO