
I'm on the Blankenship train.

Also, to be a complete asshole, it is 'sherbet', not 'sherbert', you fucking idiot.

The restaurant was called 'Sames'. I love that show.

I will be
watching the shit out of this.

Clive Owen in Closer wins everything.

The Warriors dude?


The reasons you gave for Andy Travis being a blocker are precisely the reasons I wanted to bone him (tight pants, hair feathered like the wings of a beautiful bird, and disdain for his idiotic co-workers). I would have done a 3-way w/ Andy and Jennifer in a heartbeat, and I was pre-pubescent when I watched that show.

Jimmy James for the MF win.

It was the 'trusty' part of it that got me - trusty tit hammocks. Love it.

@NoahRogers: The problem with that advice is that is coming from someone who had a married boyfriend in Season 1. The hypocrisy astounds.

Jerry tells the telemarketer he can't talk right now, could he please get the telemarketer's home phone number and call him back later? When the t.m. declines, Jerry says: "Oh, you mean you don't want anyone to call you at home? Now you know how I feel." Click.

Uh….can he? Because I will point you to exhibit A as to why he cannot: Party Monster. He's so wooden it's like he never became a Real Boy.

What I want to know is: where the hell is Arlo Weiner, the son that wears top hats, monocles and head-to-toe plaid? He's the one I want to see.

Another bump for Bringing Out the Dead - which Cage was not distracting in, strangely enough.

Sooo sexy in High Fidelity - to the point of distraction, so yes.

I always got the feeling that Cheadle's accent was bad on purpose - like the character was hiding his true identity but he was the only one who bought it.

Wow - I couldn't click fast enough, but the link is bad.

I have already grown weary of Starz.